The art of the rimjob: 16 positions you should try!

6 Min. Lesezeit

A rimjob can be an exciting and intimate experience that enriches your sexual repertoire. But before you dive into the world of 16 wet and steamy rimjob positions, be sure to slowly introduce yourself to a variety of positions and pay attention to your partner’s signals. Here, we present 16 rimjob positions and give helpful tips for a sensual and hot experience for your horny adventures. Ready to conquer new horizons? Let’s go!

5 important aspects when trying out new rimjob positions

Before you jump into new rimjob positions, there are a few important things to consider, ensuring an enjoyable and safe experience.

  1. Communication: Open communication with your partner is key to a positive experience. Discuss your individual desires, boundaries and preferences to ensure you are both on the same page. Clarify in advance which positions interest you and what taboos there are.
  2. Hygiene: Cleanliness is important to ensure a pleasant and hygienic experience. Both partners should shower thoroughly before anal sex and clean the anal area carefully. Using condoms or lick cloths can further reduce the risk of infection.
  3. Relationax: Relaxation is crucial to make anal sex pleasurable. The anal area is sensitive and should be treated gently. Use enough lubricant to reduce friction, and start slowly with gentle touches and massages to relax the muscles.
  4. Pay attention to signals: During the rimjob, it is important to pay attention to your partner’s body language and verbal signals. Communicate during the act to make sure everything feels good. Stop immediately if there is discomfort or pain. The consent of both partners is of utmost importance.
  5. Take it slow: everybody is unique, and it takes time to explore new positions. Start gently and gradually increase the intensity as you get used to the new movements and sensations. Always respect your partner’s limits and pace and give yourselves time to explore the positions together.

By following this advice, you can ensure that trying out new rimjob positions is horny and safe fun. Always remember to take care of yourself and your partner and have fun!

16 stunning rimjob positions: Take your lovemaking to a new level!

Rimjob positions: Rimjob Aerial


Rimjob – Bent Supine


To get into the bent Rimjob position for men:

  1. The receiver lies on the back and lifts his legs off the floor, bending his knees towards his chest.
  2. The giver places his face directly at the receiver’s anus and participates in the rimming.

This position used to be called “Under the Hood”.  Similar positions:

This position is similar to the “spread eagle” position. The difference lies in the placement of the recipient’s feet. In this position, the receiver’s feet are raised off the ground, whereas in the “spread eagle” position they rest on the ground.

In this position, the giver normally lies on their stomach or on all fours, facing the receiver in the direction of the butt. Alternatively, the giver may kneel (if the receiver is lying on a raised surface), lie to the side of the receiver or lie on their back. It is important to note that if the encoder is on the back and under the receiver, both are in the 68 position. If the encoder is on all fours and its upper body is above that of the receiver, both are in the 69 position.

Position of the receiver: in the back position

Accessory yoga position for the receiver: Happy Baby or Ānanda Bālāsana

Rimjob positions: Rimjob – Bowing


Position of the recipient: standing

Accompanying yoga position for the receiver: half forward bend or Ardha Uttānāsana

Rimjob – Buck


The receiver stands with firm hands or forearms on a raised surface such as a bed, table, countertop, or chair.

The giver stands upright and lifts the receiver’s thighs over his biceps or shoulders to give the receiver a rimjob.

Receiver position: in the quadruple stand position

Associated yoga position for the receiver: One-legged Plank or Eka Pāda Phalakāsana

Rimjob positions: Rimjob – Crab


Position of the receiver: in the quadruple position

Accessory yoga position for the receiver: table pose or Pūrvottānāsana

Rimjob – Doggy


Position of the recipient: four-legged stand

Accessory yoga position for the receiver: box pose

Rimjob – Floor Sitting


Position of the recipient: sitting

Adjacent yoga position for the receiver: staff seat or Daṇḍāsana

Rimjob – Headstand


Position of the recipient: inverted

Associated yoga position for the receiver: Scorpion pose or Vṛśchikāsana I

Rimjob positions: Rimjob – Kneeling


This position used to be called “Cowboy Rimjob” and “Reverse Cowboy Rimjob”.

To get into the position:

  1. The receiver lies on the back.
  2. The giver sits on the face of the receiver while kneeling and facing away from the receiver’s body.

Position of the recipient: in a kneeling position

Accessible yoga position for the receiver: posture of the camel or Uṣṭrāsana

Rimjob – Lateral


Position of the recipient: lying down

Accessory yoga position for the receiver: Supine spinal twist or Supta Jaṭhara Parivartānāsana

Rimjob – Prone


Receiver lies on the Rücken

Associated yoga pose for the receiver: Sphinx posture or Sālamba Bhujaṅgāsana

Rimjob – Shoulderstand


Position of the receiver: inverted

Accessible yoga position for the receiver: holding the plough or Halāsana

Rimjob – Sitting


Position of the recipient: sitting

Accessible yoga position for the receiver: posture of the chair with folded hands

Rimjob – Squatting


To get into position:

  1. The encoder lies on the back.
  2. The receiver kneels with one knee next to the giver’s face and lowers his anus onto the giver’s mouth.

Position of the receiver: sitting

Accessory yoga position for the receiver: posture of Garland or Mālāsana

Rimjob – Standing


Position of the recipient: standing

Accessory yoga position for the receiver: mountain pose or Tāḍāsana

Rimjob – Supine


To get into position:

  1. The receiver is lying on the back. The legs are spread and bent, while the receiver places his or her feet or heels on the floor or on the giver.
  2. The giver places his face at the receiver’s anus and orally stimulates him.

The recipient lies on his back. Legs are spread wide and bent, while the receiver places his feet or heels on the floor or on the giver. The giver places his face at the receiver’s anus and performs oral stimulation.

Position of the receiver: in the hunched position

Accessory yoga position for the receiver: dead pose or Śavāsana

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