Effective pelvic floor training: 6 exercises for men

Beckenbodentraining Übungen Mann. Symbolbild: Ein Mann macht eine Übung auf einer Turnmatte im Grünen. Englisch: Pelvic floor exercises for men. Symbolic image: a man is doing an exercise on a gym mat in a green space.
5 Min. Lesezeit

When it comes to pelvic floor training, you think of women? Wrong, my dear, even though women also benefit from effective training. There are also numerous advantages for you if you train your pelvic floor regularly. Did you know that the potency muscles are located in your pelvic floor? With good training, you not only increase your stamina during sex, but also gradually develop a harder erection. And how do you really train? We’ll tell you with six exercises that target your pelvic floor.

1. The wall walker for a stable pelvic floor

For this exercise, you need a yoga mat or a place on the bed with direct access to the wall.

And this is how it works:

● Lie comfortably on your back.

● Now move forward so that you can place the soles of your feet flat against the wall.

● Your thighs and calves should form a right angle (90°C).

● Now breathe in deeply and out. As you breathe out, raise your pelvis.

On the next inhale, lower your pelvis again, but don’t let it touch the floor.

Repeat the exercise five to ten times to start with.

Tip: To increase the difficulty level, walk your feet up the wall when your pelvic floor is floating.

2. The bridge for well-trained men

To do this exercise, you need a certain level of fitness and a comfortable surface. Start with five repetitions and then slowly increase to 15 exercises per session.

And this is how you do it:

Lie on your back and bend your legs.

The soles of your feet are firmly on the floor, and your knees are slightly outwards.

Tighten your pelvic floor and slowly lift your bottom up.

When your buttocks are in the air up to your tailbone, hold the position for 30 seconds.

Slowly lower your bottom back down.

Tip: You need a stable surface. Only do the exercise if you have no back pain or discomfort in the lumbar vertebrae.

3. The pelvic gyration as the perfect workout

For this exercise, you also need a mat to protect your knees. Alternatively, you can simply do it in bed.

And this is how it’s done:

● Get into a table-top position and place your forearms flat on the floor/bed.

● Place your head between your arms.

Pull your tailbone towards your feet and then push it back towards your head.

Make sure that your lower spine forms a hump and a wooden cross (alternately).

When you raise your pelvis, tighten the pelvic floor.

Hold the position for ten to 15 seconds and then release the tension.

Tip: Monitor your breathing during this exercise. When you tense, breathe out deeply. When you relax, take a deep breath and rest for a few seconds.

4. The tense stand as a simple beginner’s exercise for the pelvic floor

You don’t need any equipment for this exercise, you simply do it while standing. It’s best to do it barefoot so you don’t slip on the floor.

And this is how you do it:

Stand with your legs bent at hip width, as if you wanted to do squats.

Put your hands on your thighs and press them into your sides.

Now tense your pelvic floor muscle and pull your abdomen inwards.

Take a deep breath and push your pelvis forward.

Hold the position for ten seconds and then consciously relax all your muscles.

Push your pelvis back again and remain relaxed for at least 20 seconds.

Tip: If you are already proficient at the exercise, use a butt plug to help you. Try to hold it firmly with your sphincter muscle during the exercise and then let it go.

5. The simple prone position for beginners

You can do this training session on the bed or on a yoga mat. It is wonderfully suited for beginners and effectively supports your pelvic floor training.

And this is how it’s done:

● Lie flat on your stomach with your hands under your forehead.

● Now take a deep breath and hold your breath for a moment.

● Now you breathe out and stretch straight and long.

● As you stretch, tense your lower abdominal muscles and pelvic floor.

Your hips should be pressed against the surface in this position.

Hold the tension for ten seconds and release it slowly.

Rest for 20 seconds and start the exercise again.

You can start with ten repetitions of this exercise and slowly increase the workload to 20 to 30 units. It is important that you relax for at least twice as long between each contraction.

6. Heel seat for beginners and advanced

Use a soft surface for your knees for this exercise, e.g. a pillow or a thicker mat. Although it sounds simple, it requires a minimum level of fitness and balance.

And this is how it’s done:

Sit on your heels with your upper body straight.

Your arms rest on your thighs.

Take a deep breath and, as you breathe out, tighten your pelvic floor.

Press the top of your feet into the mat and tilt your pelvis slightly forward.

Hold the position for about ten seconds.

When you breathe in again, relax your pelvic floor and the abdominal muscles that were also tensed.

Tip: If you experience pain in your knees or feet, do the exercise on the bed. If you have balance issues, stretch your hands forward and lean against a wall.

Pelvic floor training in everyday life – it’s that easy to train

Your pelvic floor is invisible and you can train it using pure muscle power. This is an advantage, because you don’t need any equipment or a gym to do your exercises. You can do the six training sessions above up to once a day, but if you experience pain or muscle soreness, give yourself a day of rest.

But there are also other ways to strengthen your pelvic floor in your everyday life, in passing on the toilet or at work.

Implement the following two tips daily and ensure more stability in the pelvic floor area:

On the toilet: When you have finished urinating, contract your pelvic floor muscles strongly. This will stop the typical dribble and you should hold the tension for a few seconds. Then consciously release and allow your bladder to get rid of the last few drops. You can also repeatedly interrupt the flow while urinating, hold for five seconds and then continue.

When out and about: When you are out and about, tense your pelvic floor muscle while walking. Don’t go into full tension, but try to stop at about 50%. Hold the tension for five seconds and then release again.

For an even more effective workout, wear anal beads while you’re out and about. They’ll make you tense your pelvic floor muscles to hold onto the beads. Remember to take a small box or container with you to store the beads in if you feel uncomfortable.


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