What to do if a popper bottle falls over? Here is a guide for all first aid popper accidents!

3 Min. Lesezeit

Even the most careful Poppers’ user is not immune to spilling some of his precious pleasure elixir every now and then…. Happens to the best of us and to all of us. A wrong move or someone pushes into you ? Or it was a too ambitious, acrobatic position. It doesn’t matter!

But what to do when furniture, carpets or even yourself and your partner – and above all the mood of the moment – are affected?! Shifting priorities. The main thing is to act quickly. But please put the lid on beforehand and set it aside, otherwise more will happen.

Poppers landed on your skin

But first, let’s take it one step at a time. When the nitrite in poppers, and usually this is always a component of them, comes into contact with the skin, irritation and burning are to be expected. No matter what type of nitrite:

  • Propyl nitrites
  • Amyl nitrites
  • Alkyl nitrites
  • Pentyl nitrites
  • Mix of poppers

Yippie. Jackpot. There may even be some chemical burns, but if you act quickly, there shouldn’t be any more serious consequences. So find the bath or water as soon as you can and wash the affected area properly. We are not doctors and therefore cannot make any recommendations. We can only share our experiences and help.

And to mention it again at this point: In case of contact of poppers with the eyes or ingestion of poppers, a doctor should be consulted immediately!

The skin irritation may last a few days. To help the healing process, the affected area should be kept clean and dry. If there is a desire to treat with ointments, antiseptic and moisturising creams should be used. A visit to the doctor can provide helpful information. So don’t be ashamed.

Hit the bed

If it has hit the good old bed in the middle of the action, this can also be remedied. Here too, the motto is that the sooner action is taken, the more you can limit the damage.

Because poppers are a chemical, caution should be exercised when using other household cleaning agents. Otherwise, you could make a mess and end up with the whole party lying unconscious around a popper stain while the mixture has eaten through the neighbour’s ceiling and the police find you like that. So better let the true chemists among us do their work!

For the rest, the first step is to open the window and ventilate well. Baby powder, baking soda or talcum powder can then be sprinkled on the affected area – whatever is available in a good queer household. This absorbs some of the liquid and helps to get rid of the smell. In addition, detergent can be applied with a toothbrush (without water) and rubbed in before varnishes, etc. go into the washing machine. Before going into the dryer, check to see if the spot has come out, otherwise the dryer will only deepen the stain into the fabric.

On the mattress, a damp sponge or towel can be used to dab the affected area. Otherwise, the same procedure; sprinkle powder on top, detergent and toothbrush if necessary, let everything soak in and then vacuum with the hoover. You can also use a hair dryer to help the poppers evaporate more quickly. But be careful of the heat and keep the windows open.

Now that’s enough!

If you’ve had enough after a poppers disaster, try this solution: Take a jar with a screw-on lid, fill it with toilet paper or cotton, pour in some poppers, and close the lid. This creates potent hits that are safe to use during sex without spilling.

Additionally, your nostrils will also be spared any possible bumps on the edge of the popper bottle. However, have a towel handy so that if your hands are wet with sliding gel, unscrewing them won’t be another challenge.

The upgraded version would be the stainless steel bottle with a drinking straw attachment. Same principle of handling and use. The extra: the drinking straw attachment!

If it has a suitable size, it can be inserted into the nostril in order to reduce the condensation even more. This way, you can pull poppers for up to an hour before you need to refill. It may not look Vogue cover-worthy, but we’re also more into (the stunted expression?) the glorious grin afterwards.

As an added trick – and if you have the right tools – you can use a small drill to enlarge the air inlet – underneath the drinking straw so that the air circulation is better, which makes inhaling easier.

Whichever design you choose, it’s a good idea to wash everything out thoroughly after each session, as poppers can damage the material for a long time.

If it was too much poppers, ammonia in the smelling salt can counteract the effect of nitrile.

And as with everything, safety first!


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