Poppers – the self-care afterwards for more enjoyment

4 Min. Lesezeit

Self-care -A horny and dirty evening can be pretty intense. If you use poppers, the mood is heated up and relaxed at the same time. But you surely know that poppers are not toys and that they have an effect on your body. Your pulse changes, you feel relaxed and almost a little high. Some gays experience a slight dizziness, blood pressure drops, and everything becomes a little different. It is all the more important that you take good care of yourself, self-care. Self-care is not only important for fucking, but also for poppers. We tell you the best measures to take care of yourself the day after.

Using poppers in a safe environment is a must

The first time poppers are a very special experience. When shopping, make sure you don’t choose the XL version, but a beginner-friendly product. If it’s your first time, don’t take poppers alone, but with another person. This will ensure that there is always someone close by. It is very important that you feel comfortable in the environment. So don’t sniff in a club where you don’t know anyone, but rather with your lover at home.

Why is this so important? When the effect wears off, you may feel vulnerable and weak. You don’t want to go home in a car or with a strange guy in this situation. It is better that you are already there where you can rest.

No big plans for the next day – get some self-care

Although the duration of poppers is around three minutes, the after-effect is often much more intense. This means that although your body is no longer “high”, the substance is still being broken down and you may experience a hangover. After a hot night with your lover and poppers, it’s important that you don’t have any big plans. So don’t use them the day before a job interview, but when you can stay in bed.

Drink enough to stabilise your circulation

Alcohol and poppers are not a problem for most people, but the mixture is not recommended. If you use poppers, you should be clear-minded and know exactly what you are doing. In addition, alcohol can intensify the effect and this should be avoided, especially for beginners. So have drinks ready without alcohol, preferably water! This can often prevent after-effects such as headaches and dizziness.

Tip: Also have a light snack ready that doesn’t put too much strain on your body. Poppers can raise your pulse. If you eat a hearty schnitzel with potato salad, it will stimulate your circulation even more and make you sweat. Fruit and vegetables are better. Sounds boring? You can also eat the strawberries off your counterpart’s body.

Get some fresh air – it will give you a clear mind

You’ve been running around like rabbits, maybe even smoking in the room, and the air is foggy. Make sure you get a breath of fresh air from outside so that there is enough oxygen in the room. Side effects of poppers include dizziness, headaches, hot flushes and concentration problems. These are exacerbated if you don’t get enough oxygen. Even if the bright sun is blinding the next morning, open the windows and let the air in.

Take urgent breaks – no poppers continuous use

Depending on your experience, you may already be using horny poppers accessories like aerosol masks to intensify the kick. Regardless of the frequency of use, it’s important to take breaks between uses. By that we don’t mean five minutes, but a lot of breaks! Just once at the weekend is better, because then you give your body the time to recover.

By the way: Please also think about the substances you have consumed before. Viagra, for example, is an absolute no-no if you spend the night with poppers. There is a risk of heart problems, and you should avoid that (source: https://www.schalkpichler.at/2013/poppers-und-viagra-eine-gefahrliche-mischung/).

5 tips, against side effects and after-effects of poppers

The night was indescribable, you have never had such great sex and the next morning you feel bad. Your head is throbbing, you’re sick, and your concentration is completely blown away. We have five tips for you on how to get back on your feet and look after yourself.

  1. Use headache tablets: If your head is buzzing, and you can barely lift it off the pillow, take an aspirin or paracetamol. Headaches have a massive impact on your well-being and can be remedied relatively easily.
  2. Drink water: Even if you usually prefer Coke, drink plenty of water (or tea) after poppers night. An invigorating coffee in the morning can’t hurt either.
  3. Take a shower: The sweat of the night must go down. Give yourself and your circulation a shower to get back into the swing of things.
  4. Healthy breakfast: Some people feel latent nausea after poppers and have no desire to eat at all. Get over yourself and have breakfast anyway. It can be a bowl of porridge or just some fruit. This will give you more energy during the day and stabilise your circulation.
  5. Ginger against nausea: Women use ginger during pregnancy to fight nausea. Steal the trick and make yourself a ginger tea. You can also buy ginger tablets at the pharmacy, which can help against nausea and vomiting.

Don’t be a hero: In an emergency, call 112

Who likes to call the emergency services with their trousers down? No one, but you have no alternative. In case of serious symptoms such as vision problems, circulatory collapse, shock-like condition due to low blood pressure or loss of consciousness, you (or your lover) must call the emergency services. Do not conceal the use of poppers, as this is the only way the doctor can help you or your partner. Even though you may feel embarrassed, there are emergency services that can help you in case of an emergency.

Conclusion: careful handling of poppers includes self-care

Poppers are very popular in the gay scene. It is important for safe use that you are aware of potential side effects and are prepared to recognise them. It’s also important that you don’t just snort poppers and go about your day. A little self-care is important so that your body forgives you for last night’s excess!


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