Warehouse – Popper Story

23 Min. Lesezeit

A few who know about my horny games with Stefan, my foreman in the warehouse, have also heard about Oliver, the nineteen-year-old. He is well over ninety kilograms, maybe just under six feet tall, very muscular and has a classically shaped figure with broad shoulders, chest and a slim waist. He has a lovely girlfriend, is very passionate, attractive and incredibly funny. He is also well endowed. How do I know that? I have stood with him at the urinal – there are no partitions – and he is not at all shy when he stands there. The lockers are also in that bathroom and I have seen him naked a couple of times.

After a reader reminded me that Oliver would soon no longer be a teenager, I made a conscious decision and set a goal to keep him while he was still nineteen. I thought our Christmas party at the warehouse on Tuesday would be a good opportunity. I had food delivered and plenty of beer and other alcohol available. The arrangement was that I collected the car keys of all the guests and decided who got to drive home. Dan was my designated driver for those I deemed unfit to drive. In the lounge I had put up a small Christmas tree and placed some other decorations, including candles and candle rings that my wife had sent from home. Christmas music was playing and for the first time I had rented three porn videos to get Oliver in the mood. Everyone had a good time, we ate and drank a lot and everyone felt good – especially when we watched the two porn videos. I had kept the third video as a kind of reserve. There were also some fun gifts exchanged and I handed out Christmas bonuses.

Eric, Martin and Luca had had a little too much to drink and I decided not to return their car keys. Stefan drove them home one after the other and Matthias brought their cars back.

I had asked Oliver to help me set up. Stefan stayed in the neighbourhood until Uwe and Roland had left, and then he also left, knowing what I was going to do. I accompanied Stefan to the door, thanked him and locked the door from the inside when he left. I then returned to the lounge where Oliver was collecting the empty beer bottles.

“Did you take the last DVD out of the player?”, I asked.

“Yes, but we didn’t manage to watch it,” he replied, holding up the third DVD.

“Would you like to stay and watch it?”

“Sure, why not, as long as you don’t have to go home to your wife; my girlfriend knows I’m out for the night.”

“She didn’t let me stay and watch it.

“She doesn’t have me on a short leash,” I told him.

He had to go to the toilet and meanwhile I lit the candles and switched off the main light. I didn’t know how he would react, but I dared to do it anyway. I also placed lube, condoms and poppers discreetly under the sofa so that I had everything at hand. Then I mixed us both another drink.

When he came back, he was üsurprised by it. “Hey, that’s a nice idea, why didn’t you light the candles earlier?”

“I didn’t light the candles earlier, why didn’t you light the candles earlier?”

“I didn’t light the candles earlier.

“I didn’t think of it,” I replied, handing him the DVD I had put in. “Here, we can take a break and watch it, if you like.”

He glanced at the cover and then put the DVD in the player. What he didn’t know was that I had actually rented four DVDs and had secretly exchanged this particular heterosexual DVD for a bi DVD. I almost took a gay DVD, but decided not to push my initial seduction. Oliver took his drink and sat down on the other end of the sofa. I switched off the lamp and he settled himself comfortably as the first scenes appeared on the screen and he reflexively reached for his crotch.

“Jeez, Oliver, you’re already ratty before it even starts!”, I joked.

“I’m just getting started,” he joked back.

“A head start on what?”, I asked with a laugh. He said nothing; his attention was focused on the television.

The plot was pretty ordinary and inconsequential, but it didn’t matter. The woman was ok, but the two men were absolute studs; I had made sure of that, I had watched the video before I rented it. They were slightly older than Oliver, well-built, if not as muscular as he was, and both had impressive cocks.

“Man, I love it when two guys have fun with each other,” Oliver remarked.

“Have you ever done that before?”, I asked.

“No, but I will one day,” he said. “But not with my girlfriend,” he added quickly. “I don’t want to share her with anyone else. And I don’t think she would either.” I had to laugh as he grabbed his crotch again and played around.

“Hey, it’s just you and me, Oliver; if you want, you can get your thing out and take care of it.”

“Nah, I’m fine,” he muttered, not taking his eyes off the TV. Then he added jokingly, “But maybe I’ll go to the bathroom later and take care of it.”

“Well, personally, I’m fine,” he muttered, not looking away from the TV.

“Well, personally, I prefer to jerk off while watching porn, not after,” I said.

That got his attention. He turned to me and grinned crookedly. “Oh, really now, you watch porn and jerk off?”

“Doesn’t everyone?”

“But you’re married.”

“And you have a girlfriend,” I said.

“Yes, you have a girlfriend.

“Yes, you’re right.”

“Sometimes the good old hand just feels better, takes me back to my childhood,” I said. We both looked back at the TV at the same time as one of the men fucking the girl leaned to the side and started sucking his mate who was standing next to them. I quickly glanced at Oliver to see his reaction. He just stared, then said, “Oh shit!” and I noticed his grip tighten around his crotch.


“Shit, didn’t the cover show it was a bi video?”, I asked.


“Someone in the video store made a mistake. I’m going to exchange it,” I said, getting up from the sofa.

“No, let’s not.

“No, leave it in,” he replied without taking his eyes off the TV. “I’ve never seen a bi video before. Could be interesting.”

“Okay.” I leaned back and slumped down on the sofa, shifting my position slightly to the side so I could see Oliver out of the corner of my eye. He was now firmly squeezing his bump.

“Man, look at that, he’s taking it completely in his mouth! Damn, I’ve never had a girlfriend who could do that to me. How does he do that? That must feel pretty damn good.”

My head was whirling with ideas and impressions; he had just given me four possibilities with those quick remarks. I swallowed, trying to üovercome the fear and gather my courage. Oliver was not drunk; not as drunk as I would have liked. He seemed relaxed to me; I just wasn’t sure how relaxed he really felt. I rose and stepped over his legs to get two more beers from the fridge. When I turned around and saw the handsome, muscular guy on the sofa pushing his crotch, my courage seemed to swell inside me. I stepped üover his legs again, sat down and handed him a fresh beer. He took it without really lifting his eyes from the television.

“Do you want to find out?” I felt a slight tremor and wondered who had said that; the voice sounded familiar, but I couldn’t believe those words were coming out of my mouth. Oliver paused with the beer he had just brought to his lips and lowered it to look at me; a üsurprised, confused look.

“Excuse me?”

Suddenly I felt cornered. The words still reverberated in my ears – they were clear and distinct, nothing I could back away from, not even in jest. But this was what I wanted; what I had longed for since the day the boy came in to apply for the job. My courage was fading, I felt myself crumbling under his attractive gaze. I had to pick myself up quickly or perish.

“Do you want to find out?”, I asked once more with a plötry surge of courage.

He continued to look at me and I noticed that his hand was plötly still, his kröft hand just resting on his crotch. I looked up again and our eyes met. His gaze was steady, but his eyes were confused.

“You … you … say … “, he stammered.

“Do you want to find out what it feels like to be blown so deep,” I said. It wasn’t a question.

“Shit … Shit, yes, if… if you… if you offer?”

“I’m offering.

“I’m offering,” I said as I put my hand on his thigh. He removed his hand from his crotch and I replaced it with my own. I squeezed gently at first, then my fingers dug into the fat bulge.

— — — — — — — —

“Aawwhhh fuck, I can’t believe it,” he said hoarsely, watching my hand. Then he looked back up at me. “Damn, man, I had no idea.”

I smiled. “Now you know,” I said. He got even bigger in his jeans. He never wore a belt – his bum could stand his jeans without one – and I deftly undid the top button of his jeans. “Look, Oliver, you don’t have to do this just because I’m your boss. That has nothing to do with it, and your job doesn’t depend on it. We are not employer and employee here.”

“Good. I didn’t think so either,” he said.

I öfolded another button.

“Does anyone else know about this?” he asked.

“That’s not a problem.

“That would be giving too much away,” I said.

I explored his penis as best I could in his pants. He was getting stiffer, not yet fully. I pulled my hand out and tugged at the waistband of his jeans. He rose to make it easier for me to take them off. His white shorts almost glistened against his burnt skin. I didn’t mention it, but Oliver goes to the solarium, so he’s tanned all over; he says his girlfriend likes him that way. I bent down and buried my face in the thick bulge of his shorts with my mouth wide open.

“Ohhh!” he stöhnted quickly, sounding like a üsurprised exclamation.

I played with his bulge until his shorts were damp as I moved my hands up and down his thighs and jeans to feel his calves. He felt like warm stone, his muscles were so hard. I looked up at him. “It’s warm enough in here if you need to undress,” I said.

“Yes, that would be good,” he said.

I straightened up and he leaned forward to unlace and remove his boots. I watched the muscles in his arms dance and ripple. Then he took off his jeans and threw them aside. He stood up and took off his shirt and stood there in socks and pants. God, he was beautiful, but I didn’t tell him that. Oliver wasn’t the type of man to be told that. He was the type of man who knew what he had, and he didn’t need to be told that.

“You too,” he said, pointing his head at me as he slid his shorts down.

I swallowed my saliva as my mouth watered. “Yeah … I just wanted to watch you. You have one hell of a body.”

“Thanks. You too,” he said. “Actually, all the guys here are really well built.”

I thought it was odd, but nice that he had noticed. “It’s not by accident,” I said with a grin. He didn’t seem to understand or he wasn’t listening; I didn’t think he could be so focused on what was about to happen to him. His cock was certainly focused on it; it straightened hard and pulsed evenly, threatening to grow to an impressive size. He stood quietly by the sofa while I undressed. I approached him and grasped his penis while my other hand gently slid down his side to his hips and my fingers wrapped around his taut buttocks.

“You’re fucking toned,” I said as I gripped his buttocks tightly.

“I try to stay fit,” he replied.

He didn’t respond, his arms hanging loosely at his side as I jerked his penis and stroked my hand over his muscles. I wanted to kiss him, but I didn’t think he was ready. Maybe if he’d had another beer or two.

“Are you nervous?”, I asked.

“A little bit. Maybe because of the surprise,” he replied.

“There is no need to be nervous,” I assured him. I walked around him to the fridge to get him another beer. I handed it to him. “Here, maybe you need another one to ease the tension.”

He gratefully accepted the beer, which surprised me and showed that he was more nervous than I thought. We sat down and I waited until he had drunk a few sips. My mouth watered at the horny sight of him, but my throat felt dry as I looked at him and tensed at his hard penis between his legs, pulsing and quivering. His perfect body was reflected in his penis, which I estimated to be about 20 centimetres and quite thick. His glans looked almost threatening and all I could think about was what it must be like for his girlfriend to experience this magnificent specimen, or what it would feel like if I were lucky enough to wet my bottom with it.

I reached for his cock again and encircled it with my hand, barely finding room for my fingers. While he drank his beer, I bent over him, resting my forearm on his massive thigh. I breathed a warm breath on his penis, then wet my lips and took the glans into my mouth. Immediately my tongue played around it.

He moaned deep in his chest, “AAAwwwhhhhh! DAMN!”

I wondered if this was the first time he’d ever gotten a blowjob, although I was sure his girlfriend had given it to him. I began to slowly suck him and play with my tongue. He quickly became attuned to this and began to move his pelvis on the sofa and thrust his penis into my mouth. His urinary opening was large so I could dip in with the tip of my tongue and lick the continuing flow of pleasure drops. He tasted wonderful, smelled good, his penis felt wonderful in my mouth – thick, fleshy and with horny, fat veins.

I held his balls in my hand as he spread his legs wider for me. They were big and heavy. Everything about this man was perfectly proportioned; his manhood matched his muscular body. I let go of his penis and bent lower to caress and lick his testicles. He relaxed on the sofa and opened his thighs even more to give me more space. I took his balls one by one into my mouth and gently massaged them with my tongue.

“Ohh, God!” A steady stream of moans and gasps escaped him, as if he was experiencing each sensation for the first time. Or maybe I was just that good. I licked back up his stiff prick and tasted the drop of pleasure covering the glans. Then I traced the muscular lines of his abs with my tongue and mouth until I reached his powerful pecs. I licked along the underside of the warm, firm muscles and then made my way to his hard nipples. They stood proud and erect, and I wondered if he even knew why. I was sure he didn’t know as I closed my lips around his right nipple and began to suck and caress it with my tongue. “AAAAaahhhh, fuck!” It felt like it was the first time anyone had ever sucked his nipples.

He held my head tightly and urged me to continue.

At the same time, my hand gently stroked along his left thigh, pressing on the incredibly hard muscles and then sliding back up as I massaged under his balls. He was still moving restlessly on the sofa, his ass closer to the edge of the cushions, his legs spread. I stroked my fingers along the cleft of his buttocks, seemingly unintentionally, and felt his anus. He didn’t seem to mind. I repeated it several times and then wiped the saliva off his chest that ran down from my sucking on his nipples. I wet my fingers well and returned to his anus. My fingertips began to rub and play with it and I was surprised that he allowed it. I pushed harder and harder and it became more of an exploration when he suddenly grabbed my wrist to stop me. I pulled back elegantly.

“Let’s do the other one,” I said as my tongue slid across his broad, muscular chest to the other nipple. He moaned loudly as I began to suck on it. I reached for his penis and slowly began to jerk it again. He thrust his erect penis into my hand as the drop of pleasure continued to flow profusely. I took some and returned to his anus. Again he let me rub and massage until it became an exploration and he reached for my wrist again. I didn’t try again for a while.

As with most heterosexual men, his main interest was a blowjob, and I didn’t want to disappoint him, although I had much more in mind for him, if he was willing. I figured if I gave him a great blowjob, he would be more open to more experiences. I wanted to give him an outstanding performance, he told me. He kept repeating it during the blowjob with his voice and body language, and afterwards he said it was the best he had ever experienced.

That üt surprise me, because probably he had only got blowjobs from women before.

I did it slowly but inexorably. I pushed him to the edge until he begged to cum. I jokingly told him that he would regret it when it was over. He said he had to come or his head would explode. I made him orgasm and cum. There was no question of how it would end, at least not in my mind, and he probably thought the same; he came in my mouth. I held his good load in my mouth for a moment, then spread it around the head of his penis until he and his cock twitched, and finally swallowed it down before letting him go.

And then he came in my mouth.

“Damn! I’ve never experienced anything like that before!” he said as he lay back on the sofa, exhausted and breathing heavily. “That was incredible! Honestly, that was the best blowjob of my life. It was even better than sex with my girlfriend.”

“Alright, better not tell her,” I said.

He laughed. “Do you think I’m stupid enough to tell her I got a blow job from a man?”

“If you want to tell her, I’ll tell her.

“If it slips out by accident, definitely don’t tell her it was better than her blowjobs.” I stood up and got him another beer. He was still quite drunk and I didn’t want him to get nüched too quickly. “There’s more,” I said as I handed him his beer.

“That’s enough for me,” he said.

“No, I meant more in terms of your nakedness,” I said, nodding in his direction.


“You surprised me with that,” he said. “I had no idea.”

“I know you did.

“I know.”

“Did you ever do anything with the other boys?”

“Did you want me to tell you that I am intimate with you?”, I asked.

“No. But …”

“But what?”

“But if you do, it wouldn’t be a problem if we knew about each other, would it?”

“I don’t think so. But I would have to ask the other person. If there is anyone at all,” I quickly added.

“There is someone.

“There is someone,” he said with a broad grin.

I started packing up and packing away. Oliver got up to help me. He collected the remaining empty beer bottles in a plastic bag and took them to the bin in the warehouse. I stood at the door and watched him go through the shipping area. I enjoyed the sight of his muscular body and couldn’t help but gush at his beautiful ass. “My God,” I cursed and knew I had to have that ass.

When he came back, he looked around. “Well, I guess that’s it then,” he said. But he didn’t reach for his clothes, he just stood there, impressive in his nakedness, perhaps still a little nervous, and I had the feeling that he didn’t want to leave. I handed him another beer.

“When I drink this … I’m still a bit dizzy in the head … I won’t be able to drive for a while.”

“You said your girlfriend wasn’t expecting you,” I said. The soft light from the flickering candles still filled the room, and this attractive guy made such a damn tempting impression. I put down my beer and stepped closer to him, putting my hand on his hips.

“Yeah … You said there was more,” he said in a husky voice.

“Let me show you.” I leaned down, kissed his chest and sucked on his nipple. With a soft moan, he put his beer down on the counter and put his hand on the back of my head.

“Man, you’re a real man,” he said.

“Man, you bring out feelings in me I didn’t know I had.”

For a few minutes I ravished his nipples, then began licking and kissing his belly as I squatted down and ran my hands down his sides. When I reached his pubic hair, I turned him around. He followed the movement and turned around and put his hands, without hesitation, on the edge of the counter and I wondered what he was expecting. I kissed the side of his ass and let my lips wander over his firm, round buttocks, sticking my tongue into the crease as I crossed it. Then I returned to the crease and licked up and down it. He gasped and moaned. I put my hand on his waist to encourage him to lean forward and he obeyed, putting his arms üover the edge of the counter and lowering his head. He spread his legs – he knew what that meant now – and I pulled his buttocks apart and dipped my face in them.

“Ohh God!” he exclaimed softly as I began to lick his hole.

He stretched out his arms and clutched the edge of the worktop. I gave him an intense rimming, and I liked it so much because I knew it was the first time anyone had ever done this to him. And he had a beautiful ass, round and muscular, with a tantalising anus lightly covered by a few tender little hairs. After a while, I stood up.

“Come here, bend over the back of the chair.” I pulled the big chair around so that the back was facing the room. He followed my instructions, walked over, bent over the chair and spread his legs again. I set to work again, pulling his buttocks apart and penetrating the edge of his anus with my fingers to widen it.

“Damn, you have a fantastic ass!” I pulled further apart until I could see the inside contracting as he squeezed his anus. Between contractions, I penetrated him as deeply as I could with my tongue.

“AAAAAAAAhhhhh!” He gasped, throwing his head back. “Ohhh, fucckk!!!”

A smile spread across my face. After a few minutes of him moving his butt back and forth and moaning how much he liked it, I started rubbing his anus with my finger while licking his butt crack. He liked that too, but when I tried to penetrate the now relaxed hole, he reached back and held my wrist.

Okay, he wasn’t as ready as I thought. I pulled back to lick deep into his anus and he relaxed again and let himself sink over the back of the chair, giving himself to me. A few minutes later I tried again; this time I had my finger all the way inside him before he grabbed my wrist.

“Let me do it,” I whispered. “I know it feels good, so let me do it. Promise me it won’t hurt.”

He loosened his grip on my wrist and let it go. I started rubbing his anus again with my fingertip, which made him moan louder. I didn’t know if he really liked it or if he only allowed it because I asked for it. With time, I moved my fingertip in circles inside him until he seemed comfortable with it. In fact, he even pushed back a little when I started moving my finger back and forth inside his anus. This only lasted a few minutes, during which I only half-heartedly searched for his prostate – I wanted to savour every moment. Eventually I found it, firm and pliant, through the sensitive lining of his insides, touched it gently and he winced. I touched it again and he gasped. I intended to bring him to the brink of horniness on purpose.

“Let’s try two fingers,” I said and deftly slid another finger into his hole. He made a small üsurprised sound but took it in; I guessed he thought two fingers would feel twice as good and was therefore willing to take it. He had no idea how right he was. I immediately set about searching for his prostate with both fingers. I wasted no time and began to move my fingertips on the little pleasure spot, massaging it vigorously.

He jumped up almost vertically and exclaimed üsurprised, “Oh, my God!” Yes, he didn’t know he was having these feelings and he didn’t know what was happening to him. I didn’t stop. He stayed upright for a moment, his muscles tense, then suddenly collapsed back üover the back of the chair as if he was just giving in to it. “Ohh, fuck! Oh, man, what are you… do to me! Fucking… Oh fuck!… Ohhh, God, I can’t take it anymore! You’re driving me completely insane and so horny! Ohh… Ohhhh. OOOHHH… Ohh, God… You… Aawwhwh, I’m coming! I’m cumming!”

His prostate pulsed so hard and fast that it fluttered, then tensed. His anus relaxed, then tensed again, repeating the process several times, and I felt & knew he was about to cum. He spit his cum all over the back of the chair. I should say he literally exploded on the back of the chair. It came so powerfully that his feet lifted off the floor and his muscular body hovered over the back of the chair. He jerked, moaned and squirted all over my chair. It was an impressive load, especially the second twitch. His man juice was thick, stuck to the material and refused to run over the back of the chair.

Oliver remained in this position for a minute or two until he could breathe better, then he straightened up. His muscular arms trembled as he pushed himself off the back of the chair. His legs shook as he stood on them with his considerable weight. I got up and helped him the few steps back to the sofa where he fell on it. I went over and got his beer from the counter and handed it to him. He took a few sips and put it on the coffee table.

“Holy shit! What just happened?”

“I don’t know, but I think you emptied your reserve tanks,” I said as I went over to clean the cum off the back of the chair.

“Damn, I’m sorry,” he said.

“I think it was out of your control,” I said and laughed. I felt like licking the thick, creamy cum off the back of the chair, but I wasn’t sure if Oliver would find that disgusting.

“When you said it was out of your control,” I said, laughing.

“When you said there was more, I had no idea it would be anything like that,” he said.

“There is always more,” I said to him.

“Yes, but will I be able to üsurvive it?” he said laughing. “Damn, I had no idea! You act so fucking masculine and straight. Are you going to tell me who the other boys are? I don’t care if you tell them about me.”

I zoned out.

I hesitated for a few seconds. “Stefan,” I said.

“No kidding!” he gasped, sitting up. “You’re doing Stefan?”

“It’s more like Stefan is doing me,” I said.

“Oh man, no… that can’t be! No way!”

“No, no, I don’t mean he’s doing it with me like you. It only goes one way, just like with you. Stefan’s doing me.”

“No kidding! You like getting fucked?” he asked with a shocked look. “Stefan is hung like a stud! Man, I’ve seen him hanging around the piss pool before. How do you manage that?”

“With a lot of Rücksight,” I joked. I could see that his penis swelled up again immediately; it was barely flaccid again and was already getting hard again. That was very encouraging and uplifting…. “Actually, you’re not much smaller than Stefan,” I said. “You’d be a challenge too.”

“Does that mean you want to find out?” he asked glibly.

“Sure, if you want. Have you ever fucked a man?”

“No, I haven’t.

“No, I’ve never done anything with a man,” he said.

“Shall we try it without a condom or with? I’m clean about everything, but you decide,” I said, moving things off the coffee table. I don’t know why, but the coffee table is perfect for sex. It’s the right height, it’s sturdy enough to support the weight of two men, and it has a solid base like the floor; it’s just perfect.”

“Damn it, then!

“Damn, without a condom then,” he said.

“I’ll be right back.” I went into the bathroom and prepared lube. I didn’t want to use lube with numbing cream because it would dull his penis and I wanted to give him the full, horny experience. I would have to take him like a man; it would be difficult for a few seconds because he was thick and the head of his penis was larger than average. But I felt that any pain would be worth it. I took the lube back with me, along with some towels, and handed him the tube. “Use a lot of it, it will be tight.”


“Ha! You probably won’t even notice after you’ve already fucked Stefan,” he said.

He got ready, wiped his hands on a towel and then led me to the coffee table to sit on it with my back to him. I spread my legs and leaned forward. He stood behind me and I felt the tip of his thick penis pressing against my hole. I took a deep, silent breath and prepared myself. It was not going to be easy. It was so fucking thick and stiff like a board, without the flexible feel of Stefan’s big cock. He put his hands around my hips and applied pressure.

I don’t know what exactly he did, but he pushed it in deep without any problems and overcame any obstacles. His huge head pushed deep inside me and I could feel him stretching me open and reaching my most sensitive point. His girth also stretched my anus properly. It hurt quite a bit, but I didn’t let it show. I just squeezed around his penis and tried to bear the pain.

He didn’t stop.

He didn’t wait for me to get used to his size – I hadn’t told him and he wasn’t used to waiting. In and out, he was ready to pounce. And damn, did he fuck me. I clung to the edges of the coffee table with all my might until my knuckles went white with exertion and fought through the pain. At one point a loud gasp escaped me.

“Are you all right? Does it feel good?” he asked.

“Yes, it feels good.

“Yes, it feels good. You’re big.”

“Yeah, hey, you’re big.

“Yeah, hey, if it hurts, I can slow down,” he said.

“No, it’s fine,” I lied, though I was impressed that he had üoffered it at all, even if he hadn’t said he was going to pull out. He continued to fuck me. I didn’t know if I was jealous of his girlfriend or felt sorry for her; he was like a machine. At one point I wanted to lie on the Rücken to see his face and watch his muscles, but I would give him enough of that position first. He fucked me hard and long until I had to tense the muscles in my legs to stop the trembling. I let up a little and he felt them tremble.

And then I was fucked.

“Hey, your legs are shaking. Do you want to lie down or change position?”

“On the Rücken wäre shön,” I said.

We parted from each other. I took a cushion from the sofa, put it on the coffee table and lay down on it. He squatted üover the table and pushed my bent legs towards me and penetrated me again.

“Ohh… Ohh, damn!” I moaned.

“Isn’t that a good position?” he asked.

“Yes, you’ll get in deeper that way,” I said.

“I’ll do it gently“, he immediately went on and fucked me.


“Ohhh… Ohohohoh… Ohhh, God!” I moaned.

He smiled and enjoyed what he was doing to me. His cock and his skills were impressive. His sü&aura;e and muscular appearance only made me hornier. I stroked my hands all over his body where I could reach and felt his hard muscles swell and twitch as he continued to fuck me.

“Damn, you have strong arms,” I said, squeezing his triceps.

He smiled again, enjoying the admiration. I squeezed his pecs. His breasts were large and firm. I rubbed the palm of my hand over them and he smiled and moaned.

“Bring them down and I’ll take care of it,” I said.

He bent down and offered me his chest. I leaned forward and sucked on his nipples, licking üacross his chest.

“Man, I should convince my girlfriend to do the same,” he said.

“She might think it’s weird,” I replied.

“Yes, you’re right, maybe I’ll leave it alone then.”

While we talked and I sucked on his nipples, his thick cock continued to penetrate me. I was totally relaxed and continued to open myself for him, anticipating every deep thrust inside me.

“Damn, Oliver, you really know how to do it,” I said.

“Better than Stefan.

“Better than Stefan?”

“Not better, not worse. Different, your moves.”

“Stefan is bigger than me, isn’t he?”


“I bet he gets in a lot deeper.”

“Not like it’s revealing,” I replied.

“I like to talk during sex so I don’t come too early,” he said.

“Keep talking,” I replied.

He probably vüyed me for half an hour. I held on to the edge of the table, but he had to keep pulling me back along with the cushion as he almost fucked me off the end of the coffee table. He also held on to the table, supporting himself only with his arms. He almost pushed me off the table again when he suggested we move to the floor.

“We have more stability lying down,” he said.

“The carpet is rough, you could get sore knees,” I warned him.

“I don’t mind. Just wrap your legs around me.” With that he lifted me up, kicked the pillow off the table and brought us down to the floor where he placed me on the pillow. Then he took me right through again.

He was right, he had more support on the floor. He tried not to strain his knees and bent over me and pushed himself up and down while he pushed his cock into my ass with all his might. It was almost as if he wanted to nail me to the floor.

“Ohh… Ohh, God, I can’t do this anymore,” he st hnted.

“Do you want to go back to the coffee table or should we move to the sofa?”, I suggested.

“No, I can’t hold out much longer,” he said. “It’s just too horny. With every thrust, I feel like I have to come.”

“Then come.

“Come on then. I’m sure you can recover,” I encouraged him.

“Ohh, damn it, let’s go then,” he said.

He started fucking me hard. I had half slid off the pillow and knew that my shoulders and upper Rücken would probably get red marks, but at that moment I didn’t care. Nothing mattered except this attractive, muscular teenager positioned above me, fucking his hard cock into my ass like a jackhammer! I wanted to come too, but I tried to pull it out with him. But in the end it was impossible.

“Watch out… ohh… I’ll be right there… are you about to?” gasped I.

“Just do it!” he said. “Hose down, I’ll be right behind you.” He straightened üover me and bent me back so hard that he penetrated me with his body. I thought he was going to ram me through the floor. My back and shoulders got a good pounding from the carpet, but my ass got even more. I kept jerking myself hard, wanting to come…. had to come before something inside me imploded. Finally, I squirted with a loud moan, flinging my hot, thick cum all over my belly, upper body and even my face.

“Damn, man!

“Fuck, man!” he exclaimed when he saw the amount of my load. “Fuck!” he continued as I continued to cum. I was completely covered in vomit, on my face, neck, shoulders, hair and on the floor around my head. “Damn, man, I’m coming…“

I felt him spurt his load deep into my ass with a heat more intense than that of my ass. At the same time, he pushed himself firmly into me, as if he wanted to anchor his seed deep inside me, like a stud.

He straightened up, heels under him, and let my legs come off him on either side. I could feel his cock still pulsing inside me.

“That was an incredible orgasm,” he said.

“Yes, I felt that,” I replied.

“No, yours. Damn, man, I didn’t know anyone could cum that much.”

I smiled weakly as my chest rose and fell to catch my breath again. “You’re really wild in bed, that’s what did it,

I said.

Slowly he pulled back and tried to get up, but I put my hand around his knee to stop him. “Come to me,” I said, keeping my head up, tongue out.

He hesitated in surprise. “You want my cock, right out of your ass?”

“Come here,” I said again.

He moved over to sit on my chest and put his cock on my face. I took it into my mouth and sucked it dry. Then he pulled back, rubbed his cock in the cum on my face and fed it to me.

“You obviously like this stuff,” he said.

“I love it.”

“There’s a lot more where that came from. Next time, I’m going to pull my cock out first and suck it off in your mouth.”

“Is there any n&p>?

“Is there a next time?”, I asked.

“You’re the boss, you tell me.”

“It won’t be like that,” I said firmly. “I want a next time, but only if you want it too.”

“Hell yeah, you’re the boss, you tell me.”

“It’s not going to be like that,” I said firmly.

“Hell, yes, I do.”

“All right, but don’t call me ‘boss’.”


We showered together, which surprised me. It was a big shower, but I was surprised when he said there was enough room for both of us. If we had had more time, I would have liked to give him a blowjob in the shower, but he had to go. I had to go home too. But it was a great start, with more in sight. I hope I can get Stefan and Oliver together soon.

That’s it for now…


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