Anal intercourse: What you need to know about penetration between men

Analverkehr Fragen. Symbolbild: Mann mit nacktem Oberkörper hält die Hand ans Kinn und überlegt. Englisch: Anal intercourse questions. Symbol picture: man with naked upper body holds his hand to his chin and thinks.
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Anal intercourse is common among men who have sex with men. The feeling that anal penetration causes is part of an arousing sex experience for many. If you have never had anal intercourse, questions will arise, the answers to which can reduce your excitement before the “first time” so that you can enjoy this horny experience in a relaxed way. In this article, we provide you with all the important information about anal sex.

Long-term health effects of regular anal sex

Anal sex ultimately involves something (a penis, a dildo or another suitable sex toy) entering your body. This happens in the “wrong direction”, so to speak, because your anus is designed to push something out of your body, not the other way around. During anal intercourse, on the other hand, your partner or their toy penetrates you and has to overcome your sphincter muscle to do so, coming into contact with the mucous membranes of your intestines.

If you have regular anal sex, this can affect your sphincter muscle and the surrounding tissue. Because your anal canal is not primarily intended for penetration, it is important to be patient, especially at the beginning, to act gently as an active partner and to use a high-quality lubricant. Long-term and rough use of this region can have a negative effect on the elasticity of your anal muscles. The sphincter muscle can regenerate in most cases if there are no traumatic injuries or prolonged excessive strain.

One question that is often asked is whether you can lose control of the sphincter muscle through frequent anal intercourse. It does appear that frequent anal intercourse can temporarily impair control of your sphincter muscle, especially if you do not take sufficient care. If penetration is too fast or forceful, micro-tears can occur or there may be a temporary relaxation of the muscles. To prevent this, you need to stretch carefully and gradually, and do targeted pelvic floor exercises. Allowing yourself adequate recovery time between anal sessions can also help to prevent long-term changes to your muscles.

Does anal sex have emotional and psychological aspects?

Anal intercourse not only has purely physical effects, but can also affect you on an emotional and psychological level. This is mainly due to the position of anal sex among men in society. This topic is still considered a taboo that is not talked about.

Anal intercourse is still considered taboo and is associated with feelings of insecurity in those who practice it. Not only social norms, but also negative experiences with this practice can trigger feelings of shame. Realize that your sexual preferences are individual and should not be associated with guilt or shame. Openly dealing with your own desires and limits, as well as talking to good friends, can help you overcome your own insecurities.

Psychological support helps to release blockages.

If necessary, you can also get support from a professional. This could be a sex therapist, a contact person at the German AIDS Service Organization or at an association of the LGBTQIA+ community. A self-help group is also a good place to talk about your fears, insecurities and desires. Ultimately, it’s about finding your own personal mindset regarding your sexual preferences. This search can be challenging and mentally exhausting, but it’s worth it because it offers you the chance to live your desires freely and without social constraints.

The importance of communication during anal intercourse

Open and honest communication is the most important key to a positive anal sex experience. Before, during, and after anal intercourse, you should openly discuss your needs, preferences, and possible problems with your partner. The goal should always be to reach a consensus that is good for both of you and that makes you feel comfortable and safe. Another topic of conversation can be your and your partner’s expectations. Here it is important for you both to talk openly about what you find pleasant or unpleasant. What can also be helpful are clearly formulated or even non-verbal signals. Clear signs or verbal cues will help you to steer your shared experience in the direction that will ultimately give you both a pleasurable experience.

What you should be aware of regarding health and safety during anal sex

When it comes to any form of sexual activity, health and safety should always be your top priority and that of everyone involved. After all, what use is the hottest ride if you end up sick or injured afterwards?

Protection against sexually transmitted infections (STIs)

Anal intercourse always carries a certain risk of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) for everyone involved. This is because the mucous membranes in the anal canal are more sensitive than the vaginal or oral mucosa. The risk of HIV infection through unprotected anal sex is particularly high. According to medical studies, the risk of HIV infection through passive anal sex is many times higher if you do not use protective measures such as condoms or pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP).

Risk of infection and protective measures

To avoid infection during anal sex, or at least reduce the risk, it makes sense to consider the following measures:

· Use condoms: Using them significantly reduces the risk of STIs and HIV.

Use PrEP and PEP: PrEP (pre-exposure prophylaxis) can protect HIV-negative individuals from infection. PEP (post-exposure prophylaxis) can be taken within 72 hours of risk contact.

Get tested regularly: You should get STI tests every 3 to 6 months, depending on your sexual behavior.

Use lubricants: water- or silicone-based lubricants reduce friction and the risk of micro-injuries.

Pay attention to cleanliness and hygiene: you should clean your anal area before intercourse (e.g. with an anal shower) to avoid bacterial infections.

Is anal intercourse painful and how can you make it more comfortable?

Anal intercourse is usually most unpleasant or painful when you practice it without preparing yourself. To minimize the pain of penetration, you can, for example, rely on relaxation. Your sphincter should not be tense. Try breathing exercises and a relaxed posture, this usually helps.

Also foreplay and gentle stimulation are part of a good preparation. An extensive preparation, for example with the help of fingers or a dildo, usually increases your desire and creates a comfortable feeling. For this you should use plenty of lubricant, because it reduces the friction effect and helps to avoid irritation.

Time and good communication are further measures that can help. Admittedly, a quick fuck in the toilet cubicle at the train station has its charms. But enjoying anal sex with plenty of time makes for an unforgettable experience. It is also important that your active partner is sensitive and considerate.

To relax your sphincter muscle and stretch your anal canal, using toys to get used to it can be useful. Simply insert smaller and then larger toys into yourself regularly to gradually get your anal canal used to penetration.

Conclusion: preparation and mindfulness are everything when it comes to anal sex.

Anal intercourse can be a truly profound and enriching experience if it is wanted by all participants, open communication takes place and the right safety precautions are taken. Knowing about health risks, the psychological aspects and the appropriate protection methods can help you to feel more secure and can help you to have a highly erotic experience. Ultimately, it is always important that you listen to your body and only do what you are really comfortable with.


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