Penis curvature – When it’s too crooked

5 Min. Lesezeit

The perfect tail is erect, straight and at the ideal angle from the body. The reality is different. Flaws are perfectly normal and no reason not to accept your own cock. But regardless of natural deformations and deviations, there are also disease-related peculiarities. One of these is Peyronie’s disease, which is associated with severe bending of the penis/Penis curvature (source: What this means for you and where the disease comes from is explained in more detail below.

Sickly bent – when the penis loses shape when excited

A slightly upward bent penis is normal and even anatomically advantageous. It makes penetration easier during sex and adapts better to the other person’s body. The bend only becomes problematic when the penis is so clearly bent to the side that you are only able to have sexual experiences with great difficulty. In this case, you may have Peyronie’s disease, which manifests itself with various symptoms:

  • Lumpy structure and deposits in the cavernous bodies of the limb.
  • Plaques on the underside of the penis, leading to crushing in the wrong direction.
  • Missing erection due to lack of blood flow.
  • Pain with an existing erection.
  • Inability to have sex due to severe bending of the member.

The peculiarity is that the penis does not show any penis curvature when flaccid, but only in the event of an erection. This is due to the plaques that have been deposited in the erectile tissue. They cause the tendency and can develop over the years. In some men, the disease eventually stops progressing, while others can still have sex normally at the beginning of the disease, but later no longer get an erection.

If the plaques calcify, this leads to painful contractions in the penis, which sometimes have to be removed surgically. Most men, however, have a mild course of the disease that eventually stops progressing.

In which men does Peyronie’s disease occur?

Science has not yet found out which men in particular suffer from Peyronie’s disease. However, it seems to be a fact that around one to nine percent of the male population worldwide is affected. The main age group seems to be between 50 and 60 years, but you can also suffer from the symptoms at a younger age.

Although it is not conclusively certain, experts assume that hereditary predisposition can cause the disease. If you have relatives with Peyronie’s disease, it is more likely that you could also be affected.

It is important to know: The lumps that appear in your penis are not an indication of cancer if they are caused by Peyronie’s disease. However, newly appearing lumps must always be examined by a urologist.

The triggers – why does Peyronie’s disease become symptomatic?

However, medical experts are still in the dark about the causes of the pathological penis curvature. However, there are indications that the penile tissue is no longer as elastic, especially in older men. If micro-injuries occur during sex, plaques could develop. Some cases can even occur if you injure yourself unnoticed during masturbation, or if an erection causes a tiny internal bleed when you turn over in bed at night.

The good news is that in most cases it is only a small change or plaque. Only in a few cases does fibrous tissue develop, leading to severe crushing and pain. Unfortunately, there are no preventive measures; you have no influence on whether Peyronie’s disease will occur.

How is penile encephalopathy treated and which doctor is the right person to talk to?

If you notice lumps, penis curvature or hard spots on your penis, it is essential to go to the doctor. Your family doctor can serve as a contact person, who will probably refer you to a urologist. The Peyronie’s disease cannot be cured with medication, only a surgical procedure is known to be effective. In most cases, however, affected men do not need treatment because the effects are minor or the plaques heal on their own.

Most doctors advise their patients to observe the disease for one to two years before considering surgery. A contraction itself is not an indicator for surgery, as long as you can have sex as you wish. If your sex life is limited or no longer possible, removing the plaques may be the only option?

In fact, there are some home remedies that men like to try. It has not been proven whether these remedies have an effect, they are only described by the users themselves.

Possible help

Here is a list of examples that you should discuss with your doctor.

  • Taking vitamin E: Some men report symptom relief when they take potassium amino benzoate regularly. Your doctor will decide with you whether this makes sense in your case.
  • Steroids against plaques: Injecting steroids into the inflamed areas should help to reduce the formation of plaques. This may reduce the pain, but steroids have significant side effects. Some men also use poppers to relieve pain because they have a relaxing effect. There is no scientific evidence of the effectiveness of these two methods either.
  • Radiation therapy: In some cases, affected men were treated with radiation therapy and were able to achieve a reduction in pain. However, a reduction of the plaques could not be achieved, and side effects were also to be expected in this case.
  • Breast cancer drug: Tamoxifen is a drug for the treatment of breast cancer that can be used in Peyronie’s patients in an off-label trial. It has been shown to reduce plaque formation, but there is no official approval.

When is surgery necessary, and how does it work?

About ten percent of men affected by Peyronie’s disease have surgery in the course of the disease. The prerequisite is that the symptoms have lasted for more than a year and sexual intercourse is no longer sufficiently possible.

The classical surgical technique involves removing the plaques and replacing them with a tissue graft. Since this surgical method can lead to a loss of erectile function, it is primarily used in cases of severe pain. An alternative to this is to remove tissue that lies opposite the plaques. In this way, the cramping can be compensated for. Erectile function is not affected, but the penis may shorten due to the removal of the tissue.

If there is a loss of erectile function after the operation, it is possible to integrate a penis pump. This ensures that the penis remains erect even when it is anatomically possible for it to become flaccid.

What happens next? Self-help and prognosis for the future

A restricted sex life can lead to the development of depression, relationship problems and other complaints. In this case, it is important that you find someone to talk to. It can be your doctor, but also a couple therapist who can help you and your lover deal with the illness. Are you like most people with the condition, and the penis curvature is only mild? In this case, aids such as cock rings can provide relief during sex. This increases blood flow to the penis and keeps it stiff for longer.

The diagnosis of Peyronie’s disease comes as a shock to most men. But before you get too worried, get advice from a doctor you trust. In most cases, you won’t even need an operation, and can have a fulfilling sex life even with a bent penis! Being open with your sexual partners can also boost your self-confidence and give you back the fun of sex.


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