Fisting with drugs? Find out everything you need to know about safe use here

6 Min. Lesezeit

Whoever hangs around in the fist scene will be confronted with fisting with drugs sooner or later. How they work and what dangers they hold, you will learn here.

With the following explanations, we do not want to encourage drug use. Drug use, especially in connection with sex practices that can have serious consequences for the health of the individual, should be very well considered. Nevertheless, we are writing about drugs because one will inevitably come across them in scene circles. We live in a meritocracy, work under pressure, and at the end of the day you’re supposed to be relaxed on a date. On command. That often doesn’t work. But the sex partners expect »performance«. So many resort to alcohol and cigarettes, some also to other means, in order to be able to deliver what the other person expects: hot sex. We will introduce the most common drugs here and explain in just a few words how they work, what advantages they offer the user when fisting with drugs and what dangers are associated with their use.

Fisting and Drugs: Safer Nightlife

If you want to know the details, you would be better advised to turn to experts, e.g. to the website There you will not only find helpful and detailed information, but also first-hand reports, bad pills and interdependencies, i.e. the effects of several drugs in combination.

Drug myths

»I stick crystal up my arse, then the hole opens up … .« There is a lot of misunderstanding among users, a lot of ignorance and inexperience. Somebody says something and everybody parrots it without thinking about it. If you really want to know how drugs work, don’t rely on comments from other users. Check with experts!

What drugs do

They bring to the surface what lies dormant underneath. (If someone is in a bad mood, drugs will turn it into a full-blown depression). Drugs bring out certain aspects. They do not create something that was not there before.

If you are not in a good mood, drugs increase the conflict. They are therefore not suitable for conflict resolution. Use drugs only in an environment that is safe and with people you trust, because a feeling of insecurity can also increase and develop into full-blown paranoia. You should also consider that in groups, you not only have to endure the trip of your own brain, but also that of those around you. This can be very exhausting. Moreover, if you don’t like these people – even if you don’t know them and don’t know how they will react –, it can end badly.


One of the most popular remedies that unfolds its effect by sniffing. Sniffing gives a short-lasting high. Warmth, dizziness and palpitations are described. It makes some people horny and helps them relax, which is why fist-bottoms like to use it. For some, it also affects the circulation to such an extent that nothing works any more. PS: If poppers are left in the air for too long, they tip over and start to stink like cakes.


Ketamine, also known as Special K (after the famous Kellogg’s cereals), is a narcotic that leads to strong ego dissociation. In the concrete case of fist, this means that although one perceives pain, one does not feel it as belonging to one’s own body. So you can stretch until your car can park in you, and it doesn’t hurt at all. At least not while you are still »on« Special K. After that, you have to live with the warped garage door that no longer closes properly.

The stages of K: If you take too little, you only get a little dizzy. If you take the right amount, it leads to the famous dissociation, and space and time begin to dissolve – a nice feeling for Buddhists, ordinary people first have to get used to it. If you overdose, you fall into a black hole, the so-called K-hole, in which you no longer perceive anything. Beware of the cumulative effect. Some people think they don’t feel anything after the first pill and add more … And don’t mix with trips: This usually leads to paranoia and fear of death – not the most pleasing states of mind.


Cocaine is also a wonderful local anaesthetic, i.e. it relieves pain in the area where it is applied (e.g. rosette). However, it is very expensive for this purpose, so it is cheaper to use lidocaine. It is also known that taking cocaine inflates the ego and makes it bigger than a whole house. This is not necessarily the most sociable of all conditions; the cocaine addict tends to exaggerate (»I have the biggest hole in the world!«).


Better known by its street name, ecstasy. Walter Moers describes the effect in Schöner leben mit dem kleinen Arschschloch like this: »XTC makes the hurrah atoms in the brain vibrate. You develop fantasies of omnipotence and feel like the central sex organ of the universe. Take XTC only in the company of as many sexual partners as possible, the sex or species does not matter.«

After taking MDMA you see everything through rose-coloured glasses, which is why the saying applies: Don’t get married 14 days after taking ecstasy, you might fall in love with your refrigerator. Esoterically speaking, you could say that this drug opens your heart. So if you take it at a sex party in a foreign city, you will cause yourself more heartache than you can possibly handle. PS: More than 175 mg is toxic. It is pointless to top up, the serotonin release takes place with the first intake, after which XTC no longer has a positive effect.

Crystal Meth

Also known as Ice or Tina, the “wonder drug”. Amphetamine intensifies sexual fantasies, makes you feel clear and self-determined and more self-aware (which of course you are not) and you can go three days without sleep (which is very much at the expense of your body, mind and soul). The high dependency potential of the drug is well known. If you want to read how previously healthy, successful people fare on meth, we can recommend the book Portrait of an Addict as a Young Man by Bill Clegg, in which the author describes how he blew his career as an aspiring literary agent and many tens of thousands of dollars in a short space of time. TINA is not suitable for fisting with drugs because it is not relaxing.


GHB/GBL is also called liquid ecstasy, although it is in no way related to MDMA. This drug was previously used medicinally to relieve pain, sedate and as an antidepressant. Because it has such nasty side effects as vomiting, cramps, it is practically no longer used. The dosage is not without its problems either. Police reports are full of descriptions of breathing difficulties. Mixed use is always dangerous because you rarely know exactly how your body will react to it. GHB, however, has a lot to offer. With alcohol, it is life-threatening because it can lead to respiratory arrest. The effect in connection with popper use is no different. In HIV-positive people on medication (protease inhibitors), it can cause seizures.


Weed, hemp, dope. Helps many people relax more easily, makes everything a bit more fun, but not infrequently leads to apathy. You feel more like listening to good music and drinking instead of fucking. Cannabis in its pure form is safe and well-tolerated, apart from the scratchy throat and the hot hunger it causes. If it is mixed, one can also experience bad trips.


These new designer drugs are made from the leaves and shoot tips of the cath drug. In their pure state, they invigorate and euphorize. Since they are not yet covered by the Narcotics Act, they are very popular in the scene. The only problem is that no one who buys the drugs in powder or pill form knows who made them and how. Equally, unknown are the interactions with other drugs. With alcohol, for example, they are said to cause visions and loss of balance. So you could say that their distribution is a big field test with humans as guinea pigs.


LSD is one of the oldest drugs. It has been researched for about 30 years. Taking it leads to the dissolution of ego boundaries, it enables transpersonal experiences – which is not at all suitable for fisting with drugs. It also relaxes the involuntarily controlled muscles, i.e. everything that holds the intestine, and the rosette. In this way, objects that are inserted can no longer be expelled. Once a dildo has disappeared inside you, the only option is emergency surgery.

Good advice on fisting and drugs

We cannot and will not teach you how to deal with drugs in this guide. But we do have one piece of advice: Be clear about how you should deal with drugs so that when you are confronted with them, you have an answer ready. The good advice is to be clear about how you should deal with drugs.

Behaviour in case of emergency while fisting with drugs

Whoever plays with drugs must be aware of all their effects. They include the possibility of things going wrong and someone experiencing things they find so unpleasant that they start rioting, freeze up with anxiety attacks or come out of it so confused that they can no longer find their way in the world. You should be prepared for this case. Another reason to have a general practitioner as a friend. He always has one thing in his medicine cabinet: Lorazepam (Diazepam), a prescription drug not unlike Valium.

If you cannot refer to such a friendship, the only thing you can do is to call the emergency doctor immediately, irrespective of the legal question that arises. Saving someone’s life and being locked up for a few days is in any case preferable to the alternative of someone seriously harming themselves (e.g. jumping out of a window out of fear) because of your failure to do so. For that, you usually serve a much longer sentence. And those who think they can escape the situation by running away: Your conscience follows you. If you are not prepared to face these possible complications, you should not get involved with drug users. You don’t have to. Sex is a rush even without drug use.

What to look out for when drugs are involved

If your partner has taken drugs, you have to pay much closer attention to him. His perception of stimuli is altered, probably diminished. There is a high probability that he thinks he can take more than is good for his body. Don’t rely on his words (»More, more!«)


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