Shower vs Grower / blood penis vs flesh penis

Fleischpenis vs Blutpenis / Grower vs Shower Symbolbild Zucchini in unterschiedlichen Größen /Symbolic image of zucchinis in different sizes
4 Min. Lesezeit

Do you also glance at the bulges in other men’s tight pants during every walk? Sometimes you wonder if a man really has such an enormous penis that already looks impressive when flaccid, or if he’s just aroused, causing his member to stand out so much. There are men whose penis more than doubles in size when erect, while for others, their already large member barely changes in size. This phenomenon is referred to as “Grower” and “Shower.” In German, it’s known as a “Blutpenis” (blood penis) and “Fleischpenis” (flesh penis). Want to know more? Then just keep reading.

Every Penis Grows During an Erection

In principle, every penis gets bigger when sexual arousal comes into play. The reason for this is the blood that flows into the erectile tissue. This not only makes the penis longer and thicker but also hard, allowing it to perform its intended function of penetration. As long as you are aroused, the blood remains in the penis, and you can use your “weapon” as you please.

By using a cock ring, you can keep the blood in the erectile tissue for longer, allowing you and your partner to enjoy your hard and large penis for an extended period. But how does the difference between Growers and Showers come about? After all, with a Grower, the penis more than doubles in size when erect, while with a Shower, the size changes very little.

A Grower Shows Growth

If you are one of the men who have a Grower, your blood is needed for your best piece to grow and become hard. This is completely normal, and if someone has ever given your flaccid penis a blowjob, you know how quickly the blood flows into the erectile tissue and transforms your limp piece of flesh into a very attractive, delicious sex toy.

A beautiful penis is important to many men because they define themselves as men through it. This is similar to women who define themselves through their breasts. So, if you have a so-called blood penis, don’t worry if it’s not that big when flaccid. As soon as something sexually stimulates you, it will not disappoint you but will grow and stand tall.

Even Showers Need Blood

Not every bulge in a man’s pants is caused by an erect penis. Often, the “owner” of the impressive bulge is simply a Shower. This means that he has a flesh penis that is naturally larger and already has impressive dimensions when flaccid. When a Shower is sexually aroused, blood is also pumped into the erectile tissue. However, this primarily ensures that the penis becomes stiff. The size of the penis doesn’t change much. Thus, the optical advantage that a Shower penis has when flaccid is balanced out by nature.

A problem that Showers often face is the need to find clothing for everyday life that conceals the natural size of their best piece. It’s not particularly advantageous when, during a business meeting you are leading, everyone is staring at the huge bulge in your suit pants and therefore unable to focus on the work content. What might evoke approving or envious glances at the beach is rather counterproductive in the workplace.

Theories & Studies on blood and flesh penis

Of course, science has also taken up the topic, and various theories have been proposed as to why some men are Growers and others are Showers. For instance, some scientists believed that evolution provided men in cooler regions of the world with a blood penis because a large penis would quickly lose heat due to the lower temperatures. Conversely, people in warmer regions, who were less clothed and hairy, might have had a large, visible penis as a selection tool. Perhaps this is comparable to the animal kingdom, where the largest and strongest animal usually has the best chances of passing on its genes.

A study by the IJIR (International Journal of Impotence Research) in 2018 defined a man as a Grower if the penis grows four centimeters or more when erect. Those with less “growth” fall into the Shower category. According to the study, only 26 percent of participants were Growers, while 74 percent were Showers. The study also found that blood penises were usually larger when erect than flesh penises. Additionally, it was suggested that age affects the type of penis. The fact that overall health, tissue elasticity, and collagen content (about half of penis tissue is made up of collagen) are determining factors suggests that aging influences whether you are a Grower or a Shower.

To do something for your overall health and to keep your body elastic and strong, going to the gym is not a bad idea. A balanced strength and endurance workout challenges your body and improves your fitness. For example, targeted pelvic floor exercises help maintain your erectile function as you age. Nowadays, there are even supplements that allow you to add collagen to your body. So, there are many things you can do yourself to avoid switching from one penis type to another. Ultimately, though, you can’t stop Mother Nature, so try to be content with what she has given you.

Size Isn’t Everything!

The modern idea of masculinity is constantly changing. In the 1970s, it was hairy men with mustaches who got people’s blood flowing. Today, it might be more androgynous, hairless types who spark erotic fantasies. We are often led to believe that only a large, hard penis can fulfill all sexual dreams for men (and women). But we know better! Sure, a big penis (whether Grower or Shower) is great. But more important than size is being able to handle your magic wand and put a smile on your partner’s aroused face.

Regardless of which group you belong to, don’t let being a Grower or Shower make you insecure. Your penis belongs to you, and it’s just right the way it is. However, if you notice that your masculinity is causing you problems, don’t carry this burden alone. If you are unhappy with your body, suffer from a lack of self-confidence, and feel sexually insecure, there are resources available to help. For example, you could see a doctor who specializes in sexual health. A urologist would be a good starting point. They can explain to you why your penis is the way it is.

If you suffer severely due to your penis, surgery might also be an option. Such a procedure can enlarge the visible part of the penis by two to six centimeters. Penis augmentation can also increase the circumference of the penis. However, surgeries always come with risks, and complications can occur. Therefore, such a step should be well-considered and carefully prepared. If the penis is not objectively too small (in which case it is referred to as a micropenis), often a detailed, informative conversation with a specialist is enough to alleviate fears and help you understand that everything is perfectly fine with you.

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