Penis fracture – painful accident with a man’s best piece

Penisbruch / penis fracture
5 Min. Lesezeit

Things can get hot during sex and many men love to use their best piece with vigor and take their partner really hard. However, what works without any problems in the vast majority of cases can end very painfully in some cases, namely with a broken penis. You can find out exactly what this is and how you should react in this article.

The penis – very resilient, but not indestructible

The male penis is a marvel of nature. When you are aroused, the erectile tissue fills with blood and it becomes hard. This enables you to satisfy your partner anally or have fun with yourself. It can withstand great strain and remains hard even with prolonged use and strong thrusts. However, it is not indestructible and can be injured and kinked if suddenly compressed or bent. To speak of a penis fracture in this context is actually incorrect, as it is basically a tear. Nevertheless, penile fractures are also known colloquially as penile ruptures or penile fractures.

The two cavernous bodies in the penis (corpora cavernosa) are surrounded by a thin skin (tunica albuginea) as connective tissue and in the scenarios described above, this skin (or the cavernous bodies themselves) can tear. This is usually accompanied by various symptoms, which you should respond to immediately by seeing a doctor.

How do you recognize a penis fracture?

If you have used your best piece too forcefully so that it is severely compressed or bent, you will usually hear a cracking sound followed by severe pain at the site where the skin of the erectile tissue or the erectile tissue itself has torn. Your penis will become flaccid and there will be bruising and severe swelling, possibly extending to the testicles. The dark, red or bluish discoloration of the penis frightens many men. These symptoms are often accompanied by a normally non-existent curvature of the penis caused by bleeding. If blood is also leaking from the urethra, this may be an indication of injury.

What to do in the event of a penis fracture

If you suspect that you have fractured your penis, you should first cool it well with a cooling pad and squeeze it as tightly as possible. Cool yes, freeze no! Wrap the cooling pad in a cloth before placing it around your penis. This will save you from frostbite. Cooling can be a challenge on the way to the hospital emergency room (a penis fracture is a real emergency), but there are now extremely thin cooling pads that can be easily hidden in your underwear. You should definitely refrain from taking painkillers containing the active ingredient ASA before you are examined by a doctor. ASA has blood-thinning properties, which could increase the size of the bruise.

An emergency room visit is absolutely essential in the event of a penis fracture. If it remains untreated, there is a risk that it will not heal properly. Inflammation or scarring can develop. This in turn can lead to penile curvature (induratio penis plastica), erectile dysfunction or even infertility. A permanent narrowing of the urethra is also possible, which could then lead to bladder and kidney problems. These possible complications in the absence of treatment show how serious such an injury is and how important it is to go to a hospital emergency room.

How a penile fracture is diagnosed

You can diagnose a penile fracture yourself from the symptoms described. However, the doctor needs an accurate diagnosis in order to provide adequate treatment. In order to be able to make this diagnosis, he must clarify whether, in addition to the rupture of the erectile tissue or membrane, there may even be a rupture of the veins. The penile fracture and the hematomas on the penis and testicles must be precisely localized and measured, which is done using an ultrasound examination (sonography).

If there is any doubt or if the penile fracture is particularly pronounced, an X-ray examination (cavernoscopy) of the corpora cavernosa is carried out, in which a contrast agent is administered into the penis before the examination. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) provides the most precise results with regard to the localization and extent of the injury. It can provide detailed images of the very fibrous layers of connective tissue.

Penile fracture treatment: conservative or surgical

If the injury is not very severe, you may be able to avoid surgery.In these admittedly rare cases, you will need to take it easy physically, wear bandages, cool the “site of the incident” well and take medication to suppress an erection and prevent infection.However, this conservative, non-invasive treatment is the exception rather than the rule.

In surgical treatment, existing tears in the erectile tissue or membrane are closed with stitches. The bruises and swellings are drained to remove blood and wound secretions.If the urethra is affected, the surgeon places a bladder catheter which remains in place until the urethra has completely healed.Following the operation, a bandage is worn for a few days to suppress swelling.Pain-relieving and erection-preventing medication is also taken.The stitches heal after a maximum of seven days and the penile rupture is over.However, it may take a few weeks before your penis becomes erect again and you can use it as before.

Possible side effects, complications and consequences of penile rupture

The medical community agrees that complications are more likely to occur with conservative treatment than with surgical treatment.The most common complications are larger hematomas and diverticula (bulging cavernous bodies). If not corrected surgically, urethral stricture can be the result. This often leads to problems with the bladder or kidneys.Mental problems can also be a consequence of the trauma suffered.Erectile dysfunction is a recurring problem that can occur with conservative and surgical therapy.

Conservative therapy is often caused by increased venous blood reflux due to tears that have not been found or cannot be closed.As a result, although enough blood flows into the erectile tissue during sexual arousal, it cannot be retained there long enough. The result is an erection that is too weak or too short, which makes penetration completely impossible from the outset or leads to a flaccid penis during sexual intercourse (loss of rigidity). This can be countered very effectively with targeted erectile tissue training.If this training does not help after a penis fracture, corrective surgery may be necessary.

Preventing penis fracture

In the heat of the moment and especially when lust and arousal are approaching their climax, some men become careless and give in too strongly to the urge to impress their partner as much as possible.It is precisely in such situations that penis fracture occurs.To avoid this, you should make sure that you don’t bend or constrict your erect penis too much, despite your desire. For example, it can be very unpleasant for you if your partner suddenly clenches his buttocks violently during anal intercourse (because he might get a cramp) or moves it sideways jerkily while you are penetrating him – maybe with a cockring.

If you are alone, you should also not put your best piece in tight, hard objects such as pipes or between very hard seat cushions to use them as a substitute for a butt. So whatever you do with your penis, do it with due care. This will save you all the discomfort that comes with a broken penis. It’s better not to enjoy yourself quite so much than to find yourself in the emergency room or operating theater. Without a broken penis / penis fracture, life and love are definitely much more pleasant!


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