Porn addiction: When only sex movies bring you to climax

Pornosucht. Symbolbild: Ein Mann liegt im Halbdunkeln vor seinem Laptop auf dem Bett. Englisch: Porn addiction. Symbolic image: a man is lying on his bed in front of his laptop in semi-darkness.
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Our world is becoming increasingly digital. Content is available 24/7, and pornography consumption is steadily increasing. What is harmless fun for many of us can become a serious addiction for others. The problem of porn addiction now affects millions of people around the globe. Such an addiction changes all of your sexual behavior and can also have a serious impact on your mental and social life. In this article, you will learn what porn addiction is, what its causes may be, and how you can free yourself from it.

What is porn addiction?

Experts use the term porn addiction, also referred to as compulsive pornography use or pornography dependency, to describe a behavior in which the consumption of pornography gets out of control. Those affected develop a strong urge to watch porn, even if it has negative consequences for their personal life, relationships or professional situation.

Porn addiction has only recently been officially recognized as a mental illness. The World Health Organization (WHO) has diagnosed it as “compulsive sexual behavior” (ICD-11 code 6C72) in the ICD-11 (International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems), which came into force in 2022 and lists all the diseases that, according to the WHO, exist. Many people show symptoms similar to those observed in other forms of addiction.

These include:

  • Constantly increasing consumption of pornography
  • Loss of control over one’s own behavior
  • Neglect of social contacts and obligations
  • Emotional problems such as guilt, anxiety or depression

Here you can do a self-check by asking yourself if you notice one or more of the symptoms mentioned above in yourself. If that is the case, it might be useful to talk to a specialist.

When you are considered a porn addict

This question is on many people’s minds, and it’s not that easy to answer. It’s perfectly normal to watch porn every now and then, perhaps as a “warm-up” for a hot experience with your partner or as “supporting material” for masturbation with sex toys. One theory is that you suffer from porn addiction when you try to avoid watching porn but just can’t seem to stop. Another indication is when sexual fantasies run like a red thread through your everyday life. You should also be alert if excessive porn consumption is affecting your performance, whether at school or at work. Problems in relationships or finances can also arise. In the worst case, you may come into conflict with the law.

Causes of porn addiction

Pornography addiction doesn’t just happen. It can be caused or exacerbated by a variety of factors. The most common causes include:

Reward system with dopamine

Consuming pornography stimulates your brain’s reward system, causing dopamine to be released. One possible effect of this is that over time your brain will need more and more stimulation to feel the same level of satisfaction. So you need more and more porn time.

Stress and mental strain

Many people use porn as an escape from stress, loneliness or emotional issues. However, the short-term release can lead to a negative spiral of guilt and further consumption. At the end of this spiral, you may find yourself with a full-blown porn addiction that you may not be able to get rid of on your own.

Lack of emotional connection

Do you find relationships difficult? People who have trouble forming social or romantic relationships are considered more susceptible to porn addiction. They replace real intimacy with virtual consumption, which can have long-term negative effects on their social environment.

Early access to pornography

Anyone who wants to can come into contact with pornography as a teenager. If you consume pornography at a young age, you are at a higher risk of developing an addiction. This is because your brain is being conditioned to this type of stimulation during a highly formative phase.

What effects porn addiction can have

If you have fallen into a porn addiction, it can have negative consequences that affect various areas of your life. The most common effects are:

Mental and emotional problemsLong-term excessive porn consumption can cause depression, anxiety and self-esteem problems. Those affected often feel guilty and ashamed of their behavior.
Sexual dysfunctionMany men who consume excessive pornography report erectile dysfunction or reduced sexual arousal in real life. The brain reacts less to natural stimuli due to excessive stimulation.
Problems in partnerships/relationshipsPartnerships can be severely strained by a porn addiction. It can lead to emotional distance, unfulfilled expectations or a feeling of neglect of the partner.
Decreased performance in everyday lifePorn addiction can lead to a neglect of professional and social obligations. Those affected often have no motivation or energy for other areas of life due to their focus on the addiction.

Possible ways out of porn addiction

The way out of porn addiction can be challenging and exhausting for you as the person affected, but it is definitely possible with the right approach. First of all, it is important to make those affected aware that they have a problem. The first step is to recognize that porn consumption is problematic. To achieve this, keeping a diary of one’s own consumption can be helpful, because with its help, one can recognize a pattern in one’s behavior.

In a next step, those affected should identify and avoid the triggers that encourage them to consume. It is therefore important to find out which situations or emotions trigger porn consumption. Once this is known, it is a matter of consciously avoiding them or replacing them with healthier alternatives. For example, you can use digital restrictions for this purpose. With technical tools such as web filters or time-limiting apps, it is possible to make it more difficult for yourself to access pornography.

Establishing new habits is another strategy you can use to combat porn addiction. Exercising, meditating regularly, or engaging in creative activities can help you shift your focus away from pornography to positive alternatives. These new habits not only distract you, but also make it easier for you to “return” to the real world through new social contacts. When you do sports, you get to know people, communicate and ideally also arrange to meet outside of the sports activities.

You can and should also seek professional help if you realize that you cannot free yourself from porn addiction on your own. In difficult cases, therapy can be useful. There are specialized therapists and also many self-help groups that can support you on your way out of pornography addiction. With the support of an addiction expert, you will eventually be able to talk openly about your pornography addiction with friends or partners. This is important because talking about your own problems with a trusted person can reduce your feelings of shame and support the healing process.

Conclusion: porn addiction is a solvable problem

Porn addiction is a widespread problem that is still too often underestimated and can have a huge impact on the lives of those affected. Admittedly, the road to recovery is not always easy, but there are numerous ways to successfully confront a porn addiction. The first and most important step is your conscious decision to change. With the right strategy and, if necessary, professional help, you as the person affected can succeed in developing a healthier relationship with sexuality and your own life. Whatever you do, don’t get discouraged and remember: you don’t have to go this way out of porn addiction alone.


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