Prostate massage: From the G-spot to orgasm

Prostata Massage Symbolbild: Ein Mann mit freiem Oberkörper liegt auf dem Bauch und lächelt in die Kamera. Englisch: Prostate massage, symbolic image: a naked man is lying on his front smiling at the camera.
5 Min. Lesezeit

So much has been written about the female G-spot, but somehow we men have been neglected when it comes to this topic. Yet we also have a G-spot (also called the P-spot, where the P stands for prostate), which can increase our pleasure: our prostate. With an intense prostate massage, you will experience unforgettable orgasms. Want to learn more? Then just read on and you’ll learn all the hot details.

Walnut-sized “pleasure center”

You may already know that we men have a G-spot that works similarly to the one in women, and that this G-spot is identical to the male prostate. What you may not know is that the G-spot, sometimes also called the P-spot, is much easier to find than the corresponding spot in women. Our prostate is about the size of a walnut, consists of muscle fibers, glands and glandular ducts. It is located below our bladder, where it surrounds the urethra.

The problem with prostate massage is that you can only reach it by inserting a finger rectally, which can be uncomfortable, especially for men who are not passive. In addition, a certain degree of flexibility is required. If you have this and have overcome the uncomfortable feeling, nothing stands in the way of a stimulating adventure and a hot orgasm.

What is the prostate’s normal function?

The prostate is not primarily responsible for a more intense orgasm, but has an important role in reproduction. Its main function is to produce a milky-white secretion. This, together with the sperm cells, forms the ejaculate. The secretion is an alkaline fluid that ensures that the sperm cells are mobile. If it did not exist, the sperm cells would not be able to pass through the acidic environment of the vagina and reach the uterus. The fact that it can give you a more intense climax is just a small but awesome bonus.

Why a prostate massage turns you on

Why a prostate massage promotes sexual arousal is not yet fully understood. But there are at least two theories. One focuses on certain nerves, the other focuses on the brain.

Nerve stimulation increases sexual pleasure

Some researchers assume that a collection of nerves called the prostate plexus are responsible for the increase in pleasure. The prostate plexus comes from the plexus pelvicus, which is located near the spine. There is a direct connection between the prostate, penis and urethra to these nerves. The thesis is that stimulation of these nerves affects your sexual sensation.

Lust in the head through prostate stimulation

A second theory assumes that the brain is partly responsible for an increased sense of pleasure. It is assumed that men feel more pleasure when they concentrate more on their prostate. There is a correlation between the degree of arousal, the mental focus on the prostate and the practice of its stimulation. This results in a “rewiring” in the brain, with the result that the man not only expects sexual pleasure from a prostate massage, but also perceives sexual climaxes as much more intense.

How to perform a prostate massage

You may be wondering how to best arouse yourself using your G-spot or even reach an orgasm. If you want to stimulate your G-spot, you first need to find the position of your prostate. It is located about 5 to 7 centimeters inside the anus. There you can feel a soft ball on the front intestinal wall, i.e. towards the abdominal wall. This is your prostate. Once you have found it, you can stimulate it directly or indirectly.

This is how direct stimulation works

If you prefer a direct prostate massage, you can either use your fingers or use special sex toys. However, you need a certain degree of flexibility if you want to massage your prostate directly with your fingers only. Some butt plugs have been cleverly designed by manufacturers to help you find and stimulate the prostate.

If you gently massage or caress the prostate, you will probably feel a very intense, pleasurable sensation in your body. The stimulus causes the ureters to pulsate, the prostate muscles to contract, and the pelvic floor muscles to contract. You probably know this physical reaction from your orgasm. Direct stimulation of the prostate is enough for some men to climax.

Indirect massage from the outside

You can also massage your prostate “non-invasively” or indirectly. To do this, you just have to massage the area between your scrotum and your anus, known as the perineum. You stimulate your G-spot from the outside, so to speak. This method is particularly suitable for you if you are not a fan of rectal lovemaking.

However, the effect of an indirect prostate massage may not always be as strong as that of direct stimulation. This is explained by the fact that you cannot get as close to the nerves with the indirect method, which of course means that they are stimulated less intensely.

A small note: during a prostate massage, you can not only experience a normal orgasm, but also one in which no semen flows. In professional circles, this is called a “dry” orgasm.

What you should watch out for during direct prostate stimulation

As a general rule, you should always be careful with all forms of penetration. This also applies to direct prostate massage. If you haven’t often been the passive part in anal play, you should especially be careful to stretch your anus gently. The sphincter muscle must first get used to something going in the “wrong direction”, be it your fingers or anal toys.

If you or your partner are too rough or use butt plugs that are too big, the sphincter muscle can tear. Overstretching can also have long-term consequences, such as incontinence. If you are a beginner, take it easy. Take your time with the stretching, it’s best to use a high-quality lubricant and press a little when inserting, this can make the process easier.

Hygiene is an important issue when it comes to this kind of masturbation. Always remember to wash your hands thoroughly before the massage. You should also trim your fingernails to avoid damaging the intestinal wall. If you don’t want to come into contact with feces, just use latex or non-latex gloves. A prior anal douche can also help ensure cleanliness, but it is usually not necessary for prostate stimulation. To keep your sex toys clean, you can protect them with condoms.

To really enjoy your G-spot massage, it helps to create an atmosphere that is as relaxed as possible for your endeavor. Turn off your cell phone or put it on silent and don’t make any appointments for the time in question. This way you won’t be under time pressure. If you are in a safe, pleasant environment, it will probably be much easier for you to concentrate on the stimulation you are doing to yourself or that your partner is doing to you. Your imagination can unfold better in a relaxed atmosphere, and you will probably enjoy it much more.


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