You’ve decided to try something new and explore new sex positions? It’s an exciting journey that can be very rewarding with the right approach. Read our tips on how to approach new sex positions here.
First and foremost, communication is the key. It is important that you and your partner(s) talk openly about your wishes, concerns and limits. Each of you has your own preferences and comfort zones. Before you try something new, have an open conversation to discuss expectations and concerns.
With these sex positions, you can enrich your sex life!
Then it is time to inform yourself. Research the position you want to try. Make sure you understand the technique and the possible risks. It can also be helpful to read testimonials from others or seek advice from experts. Prepare yourself, as some positions may require a certain level of physical fitness or flexibility. Stretching or exercise can be helpful, and sometimes aids such as pillows, sheets or special furniture can be used to increase comfort or make it easier to perform the position.
Take it slow and introduce new positions gradually. Start with less demanding variations and gradually work your way up to more complex ones. Always pay attention to how you feel and whether you feel comfortable.
1. Afternoon Delight
Giving activity: active
Giving posture: standing
Accessible giver yoga posture: mountain posture or Tāḍāsana
Sensing posture: passive
Recumbent posture: seated

Accessible yoga posture: Half Boat Posture or Ardha Nāvāsana
The passive partner positions him/herself at the edge of a firm surface (such as a bed, table or chair) so that his/her buttocks extend over the edge.
The active partner stands opposite the passive partner and penetrates.
In this position, the active partner has the option of lifting the passive partner’s legs to control the depth and angle of penetration. Meanwhile, the passive partner supports himself with his arms behind him.
2. Arch
Giving attitude: active
Giving posture: kneeling
Accessible Giving Yoga posture: Camel pose or Uṣṭrāsana
Receiving activity: passive
Recumbent posture: prone

Accompanying receiving yoga pose: Bridge pose or Setu Bandha Sarvāṅgāsana
The giver enters by kneeling.
3. Basset Hound
Donor activity: active
Giving posture: kneeling
Accessible Giving Yoga posture: Camel pose or Uṣṭrāsana
Receiving activity: passive
Taking posture: on all fours
Accommodating yoga pose: frog pose or Bhekāsana

A variation of the Basset Hound where both partners are on their knees and the receiver’s bottom is pushed up and back into the giver’s lap.
4. Bend Over
Giver activity: active
Giving posture: standing
Acceding donor yoga posture: mountain posture or Tāḍāsana
Receiving activity: passive
Taking posture: on all fours
Accommodating yoga posture: Downward facing dog or Adho Mukha Śvānāsana

5. Bent Spoons
Donor activity: active
Giving posture: lying down
Acceding donor yoga posture: bent position or Setu Bandha Sarvāṅgāsana
Receiving activity: passive
Recumbent posture: lying down
Adjacent yoga pose: happy baby pose or Ānanda Bālāsana

6. Bodyguard
Donor activity: active
Giving posture: standing
Accessible giver yoga posture: mountain posture or Tāḍāsana
Receiving activity: passive
Taking posture: standing
Accessible receiving yoga pose: mountain pose with arms raised or Tāḍāsana

7. Bodyguard – Elevated
Donor activity: active
Giving posture: standing
Acceding donor yoga posture: mountain posture or Tāḍāsana
Receiving activity: passive
Receiving posture: kneeling
Accessible yoga pose: Camel pose or Uṣṭrāsana

8. Booster Seat
Donor activity: active
Giving posture: standing
Acceding donor yoga posture: mountain posture or Tāḍāsana
Receiving activity: passive
Taking posture: sitting
Acceding yoga posture: chair posture or Utkaṭāsana

9. Bulldog
Donor activity: active
Giving posture: standing
Associated giver yoga posture: chair with prayer posture
Receiving activity: passive
Taking posture: on all fours
Accommodating yoga posture: box posture or Cakravākāsana

10. Bulldog – reverse
Giving attitude: active
Giving posture: on all fours
Towards Giving Yoga posture: downward facing dog or Adho Mukha Śvānāsana
Receiving activity: passive
Taking posture: on all fours
Accommodating yoga posture: box pose or Cakravākāsana

To get into the reverse bulldog position, the receiver gets on all fours. The giver positions himself behind the receiver, with his back to the receiver’s back. The encoder squats slightly and enters the receiver from behind. To provide stability and support, the giver can place one or both hands on a surface such as the floor or his own knees. This position allows for deeper penetration and opens up new sensations for both partners.
11. Bully
Donor activity: active
Giving posture: standing
Accessible giver yoga posture: mountain posture or Tāḍāsana
Receiving activity: passive
Reciprocating posture: kneeling
Accessible yoga posture: camel pose or Uṣṭrāsana

12. Bumper Cars
Donor activity: active
Giving posture: on all fours
Accessing Giver Yoga posture: Cobra posture or Bhujaṅgāsana
Receiving activity: passive
Recumbent posture: lying down
Accommodating yoga posture: sphinx posture or Sālamba Bhujaṅgāsana

A position where the participants lie face down and face away from each other. The upper partner lies over the lower partner. The penetration is reminiscent of bumper cars at a funfair.
A position in which the upper partner lies face down on top of the lower partner.
13. Butterfly
Giving attitude: active
Giving posture: kneeling
Accessible Giving Yoga posture: Camel pose or Uṣṭrāsana
Receiving activity: passive
Recumbent posture: lying down
Adjacent yoga pose: happy baby pose or Ānanda Bālāsana

A variation of this position is the good old missionary position, where the receiving partner lies on the back and wraps his legs around the top partner. The top partner sits on his knees bent forward and makes thrusting motions into the bottom partner.
14. Cannonball
Giving attitude: active
Giving posture: standing
Accessible donor yoga posture: mountain posture or Tāḍāsana
Sensing posture: passive
Relaxing posture: seated
Accommodating yoga posture: garland pose or Mālāsana

15. Cannonball – Sitting
Giving attitude: active
Giving posture: sitting
Accessible giver yoga posture: chair posture or Utkaṭāsana
Sensing posture: passive
Relaxing posture: seated
Accommodating yoga posture: garland pose or Mālāsana

16. Cowboy
Giving activity: passive
Giving posture: prone
Accessible giving yoga posture: corpse posture or Śavāsana
Receiving activity: active
Taking posture: kneeling
Accommodating yoga posture: camel pose or Uṣṭrāsana

In the cowboy/girl position, the giver lies on his or her back or sits while the receiving partner leans forward over his or her pelvis and hugs him or her. The receiving partner can either be kneeling or in a squatting position.
17. Cowboy – Asian
Giving activity: passive
Giving posture: prone
Accessible giving yoga posture: garland posture or Mālāsana
Receiving activity: active
Taking posture: seated
Accommodating yoga posture: corpse pose or Śavāsana

18. Cowboy – reverse
Giving activity: passive
Giving posture: prone
Accessible giving yoga posture: corpse pose or Śavāsana
Receiving activity: active
Taking posture: kneeling
Accommodating yoga pose: camel pose or Uṣṭrāsana

19. Cowboy – Reverse Asian
Giving Activity: passive
Giving posture: prone
Acceding yoga posture: garland posture or Mālāsana
Receiving activity: active
Taking posture: seated
Accommodating yoga posture: corpse pose or Śavāsana

20. Cowboy – Reverse Standing
Giving Activity: passive
Giving posture: prone
Accessible giving yoga posture: corpse pose or Śavāsana
Receiving activity: active
Taking posture: standing
Accommodating yoga posture: chair posture or Utkaṭāsana

21. Cowboy – Sideways
Giving activity: passive
Giving posture: prone
Accessible giving yoga posture: corpse posture or Śavāsana
Receiving activity: active
Taking posture: on all fours
Accommodating yoga pose: table pose or Pūrvottānāsana

22. Cowboy – Splits
Giving activity: passive
Giving posture: prone
Accessible giving yoga posture: corpse posture or Śavāsana
Receiving activity: active
Taking posture: seated
Accessible yoga posture: side splits or Upaviṣṭha Koṇāsana

23. Cowboy – Standing
Giving activity: passive
Giving posture: prone
Accessible giving yoga posture: corpse pose or Śavāsana
Receiving activity: active
Taking posture: standing
Accommodating yoga posture: chair posture or Utkaṭāsana

Last but not least
Now that you have tried the new position, talk to your partner about it. What worked well? What could be improved? Feedback is valuable and can help you improve your sexual experience. It is not about mastering every position perfectly, but about having a satisfying and enjoyable sexual experience. Every person and every couple are unique, and there is no “right” or “wrong” way to perform a position, as long as it is safe and pleasurable for you. <Keep an open mind, be patient and enjoy the journey!