Can I do anything wrong jerking off?

4 Min. Lesezeit

You want to know what is total rubbish and nonsense, what you can do wrong when jerking off? Then unpack your club while you read this article and learn a thing or two about masturbating, masturbating, shaking your palm, 5-on-willy, annoying the Pope, playing pocket billiards, and much more.

»Jerking off gives you crooked fingers and makes you blind!«

Complete nonsense. What logical explanation is there for this? However, physical contractions are not a myth, but have been medically proven: If you don’t jerk off (have sex regularly), your wiener shrinks.

»Jerking off is just a substitute for real sex!«

You hear this saying all the time, mostly from self-proclaimed »hard« guys. In the 60s and 70s, even the Duden counted itself among them. In the Brockhaus, too, one could read about masturbation »as a transitional stage in puberty«. Sex researchers and urologists agree: masturbation is an independent form of sex that neither replaces nor is replaced by play with a partner.

Masturbation specialist Dr. Harold Litten says: “Self-love is an important basis for mental health!” Sexual researcher Robert Pollack even goes so far as to claim that anyone who does not feel the need for a regular rubdown has a problem. Recent surveys show that men rub more if they have a more active sex life (with their partner). And men who start early also feel more like pleasuring their partners later on. One thing is certain: solo sex leads to greater familiarity with one’s own body, which is a prerequisite for fulfilling sex with one’s partner.

»Sperm may only be ejaculated for the creation of new life!«

We don’t even want to get excited about the dusty Christian morals here. Let’s turn to another of today’s problems: our society’s performance-based thinking. To take the above-mentioned myth seriously would be like reducing food intake to just this function. What would then become of all the top cakes? 5-course meals are certainly not a prerequisite for a healthy diet. And who would still be sucking on a popsicle? Or stick a tasty chocolate bar in between meals? Where, pray tell, would the pleasure of eating remain if all we were allowed to do was chew on popsicles and seeds?

It is even logical that sexuality must go beyond the reproductive function. Sociologist Volker Elis Pilgrim explains: »… nature is always interested first in the preservation of the individual, then that of the living members of the species, and finally only in the production of offspring.«

»Jerking off makes you stupid!«

This is also a widespread nonsense. The opposite is true: the hormones adrenaline and cortisol released during sex stimulate the brain, increasing concentration and creative thinking. Endorphin and serotonin (also called glucose), which are released during orgasm, boost self-esteem.

»Jerking off is a waste of time!«

The opposite is also true here, claims Hamburg sex researcher Werner Habermehl: »Sex makes you smart insofar as you can gather a lot of life experience that can be applied later in non-sexual areas. The ability to understand sensations and to adjust to the other person is increased. This can become an advantage when thinking about business relationships, for example.

»After 1000 shots it’s over!«

Also, a “wisdom” that is complete nonsense. In fact, the opposite is true: while every shot stimulates production and also has a positive effect on prostate health, infrequent shooting has negative effects. This goes so far that it can even affect the angle of inclination and the stability of your hard-on. In other words, your best friend will get rusty if he doesn’t get regular jerks.

“Can masturbation lead to hair loss?”

It’s a myth that claims scientific legitimacy: it’s often claimed that you can lose your hair when you wank. This is because – so the theory goes – you release proteins with your semen that would otherwise be utilised by your hair follicles.

Another theory is that you increase your testosterone when you masturbate – and thus also the hormone dihydrotestosterone (DHT), which is responsible for male pattern baldness.

Neither theory is true. Testosterone levels drop only slightly during masturbation, and the amount of protein lost during masturbation is negligible.

“Your penis shrinks from wanking?”

Testosterone also plays a role in another common myth about masturbation…

Some believe that masturbation increases testosterone levels, while others assume that the decrease in this male hormone after ejaculation leads to a reduction in penis size.

However, testosterone levels have no influence on the size of the penis. If this were true, the penis would also shrink if you have sex frequently. Instead, the size of the penis is genetically determined, with erection size being influenced by various factors such as lifestyle, health and emotional state.

“Getting it wrong when jerking off: Erection problems?”

A common misconception about masturbation is that it can cause erection problems. This is often assumed because it takes a short time after orgasm for men to get an erection again. However, this has nothing to do with the long-term ability to get an erection. The time it takes to achieve another erection after orgasm is completely normal. As a rule, a new erection occurs within twenty minutes.

What can actually lead to a form of erectile dysfunction is the excessive consumption of pornography, not what you can do wrong while jerking off. Sometimes porn can create misconceptions about sex in men, which can lead to difficulties during normal sexual encounters. This is known as “pornography-induced erectile dysfunction”.

Synonyms for “wanking”

  • wanking
  • frigging
  • onanism
  • playing with yourself
  • autoeroticism
  • flying solo
  • beating your meat
  • jerking off
  • masturbating
  • tossing
  • diddling
  • fapping
  • jilling
  • beating off
  • bashing the bishop
  • bringing oneself off
  • jacking off
  • having fun with Dick and Jane
  • whacking off
  • flogging the dong
  • touching yourself


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