How do I get a fisting orgasm while fisting?

4 Min. Lesezeit

Increase your sexual fulfilment with the fist orgasm. Find out here how you can experience an enhanced orgasmic experience through fisting. The active person may have more tasks, but the job is no less satisfying as a result. The social climate regarding sex is changing.

Even if it were, that should give the last moraliser pause for thought. Sex must be a damn powerful act if it creates life out of nothing. A being is created, not only with skin and hair, but also with its own character. With its own unmistakable characteristics, with abilities that could perhaps change the world. Should we leave this power unused if we don’t want to keep producing children? Or can it perhaps be utilised in other ways?

Healthier through sex

Yogis (people who have attained high spiritual insights) asked themselves this question many thousands of years ago. And began to play with sexual energies. They realised that you can increase your sexual energy. For example, by playing with yourself, by letting yourself play with yourself or by going all out. And that this energy is no longer noticeable once you have cum. You can try that out on yourself right now. Swing the plane until just before you come, and you will notice how your whole body tingles with energy. Then squirt, and you’ll feel yourself quickly hit by a rush of sensuality and relaxation.

Fisting relieves the fixation on orgasm. On the trail of this phenomenon, the ancient masters of wisdom first collected a lot of sexual energy in themselves. Until they were bursting with power. Unfortunately, they found that while they had an incredible amount of energy, they also had a beastly headache. And their balls were getting thicker and hurt as if a horde of elephants was trampling them.

The classic orgasm

The orgasm of the sexually mature male is accompanied by rhythmic muscle contractions. Namely, of the genital ducts and the associated organs such as the vas deferens, the seminal vesicle and the prostate, the urinary tract, the muscles of the pelvic floor, those at the base of the penis. In addition, the cock itself contracts (bulges!). These reflex-like contractions are triggered by the sexual centre in the diencephalon.

As a result, ejaculation occurs during the usual orgasm: the sperm is pushed into the urinary tract and ejected outwards. According to the sex researchers Masters and Johnson, male orgasm was equated with ejaculation. But today it is considered proven that these are two different neurophysiological processes that usually, but not always, take place in parallel. Contrary to the still widespread view that men achieve the greatest sexual pleasure and satisfaction through ejaculation, ejaculatory force and sperm volume say nothing about orgasmic fulfilment.
The energy felt pent-up. You had to learn to use it, to get it flowing somehow. And so, after many painful experiences, the yogis discovered how to direct the pent-up energy: By transforming it into life force, to strengthen the internal organs, to have spiritual experiences, to go on drugs without having to take chemicals, to achieve the famous full-body orgasm; Every pore is tingling, and you are full of energy from your toes to the tips of your hair, you feel as if you are made of energy, one with your partner, one with your immediate environment, with the whole world.

Much sweat for nothing

Although this technique is becoming accessible to more people (via books and workshops), the idea that the sex act is not complete unless you have somehow dispersed your semen (preferably into some orifice) is firmly anchored in the consciousness – this is no different for straight people than it is for us homosexuals. A shot glass full of liquid is the goal of the whole effort. If you take this idea with you into the fisting session, to experience a fist orgasm, you’ll settle for the bird in the hand.

The much greater happiness lies in forgetting the tail, in giving up our western performance-oriented thinking and giving yourself over completely to the physical experience. This also needs to be learned. Like opening your hand. Like riding a bike and swimming. »Men practice it gently and carefully, almost as if it were a form of yoga«, write White and Dr Silverstein in their revolutionary 1977 standard work, The Joy of Gay Sex. »In fact, getting fisted requires such a high degree of relaxation that a man falls into a state of deep rest afterwards.«
If you talk to men who have experienced it, each will put it in different terms. Martin, for example, puts it like this: »When you fist, you have an anal orgasm. All your muscles contract, and if you have someone playing with you, encouraging that tension instead of retreating in panic, you get that screaming you hear at fisting parties. It’s like someone is giving birth to a calf. And Udo describes it like this: »The passive person gives up control of himself and his body and floats on the highest level of sexual excitement. It is far higher and more intense than a normal orgasm, which is secondary and often not experienced at all.

Fisting is a strong-arm technique

For those who need explanations for this experience, we would like to recommend the remote energy model, which seems to us to be the only plausible one: fisting and the fist orgasm opens the root chakra wide and stimulates the sexual chakra far more than any other form of sexual activity. If the relationship with the partner is right (the belly chakra opens up because it trusts the other person) and if love is involved (heart chakra), all that is missing is for the fistula to open its throat chakra and naturally make sounds – grunts, roars, whatever wants to arise there.

In this way, the energy can flow from the end of the spine directly into the crown chakra. If the channel from the root chakra to the crown chakra is opened as thick as an arm, it not only lights up a few low-voltage lamps, but also the floodlights of a football stadium, and the phrase “enlightenment” suddenly takes on a completely different meaning. This makes it clear what White and Dr Silverstein wrote about fisting back in 1977: »The sensations that flood the body during fisting are so strong that attention is often channelled away from the penis towards the anus – this altered focus often results in loss of erection.« Fisting goes against the classic concept of I-spit-off-so-I-come.

In five steps to the big O

  • When fisting, you can also reach orgasm by jerking off.
  • But you don’t have to. Often, fistees lose their erection.
  • Fisting releases a whole different potential of energy.
  • If experienced properly, it leads to orgasmic states – far beyond the pleasurable sensation of squirting.
  • And here’s how: Forget everything you have experienced so far in terms of (fist) orgasm and stay completely with the experiences in your body.


This makes it easier to insert the fist!

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