Disposing condoms correctly – where to put them?

4 Min. Lesezeit

When you’re fucking, you think about everything, but not about disposing condoms, right? This step comes afterwards, and there is potential for mistakes. An absolute no-go is the toilet, but this is exactly where many a nimble fucker flushes his lube after sex. Not good at all, because there is a risk of serious blockages. If the plumber has to come, it will not only be expensive for the person responsible, but also embarrassing. We’ll tell you more sensible ways to get rid of your rubbers after the fuck.

Check your condom for leaks before disposing of it

Once your cock has deflated and is slowly returning to its original size, it’s time to remove the rubber. Hold the condom firmly by the shaft to prevent it from slipping. Once you have it in your hand, it’s time for a check. You can blow a little air into it and see if there is an opening somewhere. Alternatively, go into the bathroom and let some water run in. Everything tight? Then tie a knot on the end and put the condom in the handkerchief.

Simply dispose of the condom in the leftover waste at home

If you fuck in your own four walls, disposing of the condom is not rocket science. When you’re finished, wrap it in the Tempo as described above and simply throw it in the leftover rubbish. The knot will prevent the sperm from leaking out, and you’ll be in for a wet surprise when you reach into the rubbish bin.

Done with that? All that’s left is the seal, because your rubber was of course packaged. The leftover rubbish is the wrong place, as the small films are usually recyclable. Throw them in the yellow bag or bin to add them to the recycling cycle. If you don’t have the solution, the residual waste remains. This is always better than disposing of the packaging somewhere in the forest or in nature.

By the way: The cardboard box of your rubber, if present, should of course be disposed of in the paper bin.

Disposing condoms at the club – take it with you or throw it away?

The sex in the club toilet was awesome! Now you’re standing in the cubicle, your lover has left, and you don’t know what to do with the rubber. The rubbish bin is the most obvious solution, but some men don’t like it at all. What if a horny guy fishes the condom out again and tampers with the contents? Admittedly, the probability is pretty low, but creeps are everywhere. If you feel uncomfortable at the thought of leaving your sperm out in public, take the condom home with you.

Tie the obligatory knot, wrap it in a handkerchief and put it in your trouser pocket. Of course, this only works if you’re wearing something more than your briefs. Missing the mark? Have you left your clothes at home and are only wearing a party outfit? Then simply rinse out the rubber at the sink or put soap in it. This way, you can reliably test your sperm and perhaps feel a little safer.

How-to: disposing condoms if you are HIV-positive

Safer sex is an important topic for most gays. If you or your partner are HIV-positive, this does not mean that you have to abstain from sex. Condoms help to reliably prevent the transmission of the virus. Care is important when disposing of the rubber afterwards. If it is your condom, make sure that no sperm leaks out or drips onto the bed. Pull it off, seal it carefully, and then wrap it in paper. It’s best to put it far down in the rubbish bin, as nobody can usually get to it. After you have got rid of your rubber, wash your hands thoroughly.

Important to know: The risk of infection from a discarded condom is negligible. HI viruses only survive for a very short time outside your or his body. However, careful disposal is mandatory, regardless of your health status.

Disposing of condoms in the forest – where to put the rubber after a quick fuck?

He stood on the tree in front of you, and you took him from behind. A hot fuck in the forest, luckily you had a rubber with you. Now you’re done, you roll the dough off your cock and ask yourself: Where to put it? Under no circumstances should you just throw it into nature. Firstly, condoms don’t degrade and secondly, nobody should have to come into contact with them (humans and animals). When inserting condoms, always have a small bag of tissues to hand. You can wrap the used condoms in it and then take them home in your trouser pocket. If you come across a rubbish bin on the way, throw the protective dispenser wrapped up in it.

Tip: Do you often fuck outdoors? Then it might be worth having a small box in your pocket. Here, you can safely transport used liquids home without a wet surprise in your trouser pocket.

Please do not dispose of organic gums in the compost

The topic of sustainability is more important than ever and condoms are also being produced in an increasingly environmentally friendly way (source: https://www.sueddeutsche.de/wissen/klima-toys-verhuetung-und-co-so-geht-sex-umweltfreundlich-dpa.urn-newsml-dpa-com-20090101-220104-99-586877). This gives rise to the idea of alternative disposal. Instead of throwing the waste in the rubbish bin, compost would also be a good idea, wouldn’t it? No! It takes quite a long time for a condom to decompose. What’s more, sperm is always a potential source of danger for plants, animals and humans. If you want to do something good for the environment, separate the packaging from the contents, but don’t compost it.


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