Erectile dysfunction – when it’s difficult to stand your ground

5 Min. Lesezeit

Maybe you’ve felt like this before. Your brain was fully engaged during sex, and you were mega aroused, only your best piece seemed to be on holiday. Despite having an absolutely hot partner, he just didn’t want to stay hard. What happens from time to time when you have had too much alcohol can also be what is known as erectile dysfunction or erectile dysfunction. You can find out why it occurs and what you can do to man up again in this article.

Erectile dysfunction can chip away at your self-confidence

Whoever is confronted with this phenomenon becomes increasingly insecure. And, in the worst case, avoids sexual experiences for fear of failure. E erectile dysfunction questions one’s own sexual performance and often affects the self-confidence of those affected. This kind of disorder often has an impact on a relationship. Especially if communication between the partners is not working properly. Sex is avoided out of sheer fear of failure. And it is often so great that those affected end their relationship. To avoid such scenarios, you should clarify why you suffer from erectile dysfunction. As it can have both physical and psychological causes. Incidentally, you can be confronted with this problem at any age. Erectile dysfunction doesn’t just affect older men, many young men are also affected by erectile dysfunction.

This may or may not happen during an erection

The causes of erectile dysfunction (ED) can only be understood if you know what is going on in your best man during an erection. The main reason why your penis becomes erect is its erectile tissue with its plexus of muscles and blood vessels interspersed with cavities. If the blood supply to the erectile tissue is increased by dilating the arteries, an erection occurs. This happens because the erectile tissue is surrounded by firm connective tissue and the superficial veins. Which are responsible for the outflow of blood, are compressed.

This increases the pressure in the erectile tissue and your penis becomes hard. As you can see, an erection is a very complex process that requires the interaction of nerves, blood vessels, hormones and the psyche to be successful. If one component doesn’t play its part, the whole process is disrupted. And you can’t man up the way you would probably like to.

Going to the doctor can provide clarity

It is now known that erectile dysfunction can have physical and mental causes. The most common causes of ED are psychological problems or disturbances in the nervous system or blood vessels. However, injuries, side effects of certain medications or operations (on the pelvis or abdomen) can also be the cause. In order to determine the causes as accurately as possible, your doctor must consider psychological and relationship-related factors in addition to purely physical aspects.

Very common physical causes of erectile dysfunction can include high blood pressure, vascular malformations in the genital area, arteriosclerosis, diabetes mellitus or liver disease. Renal insufficiency, herniated discs and Parkinson’s disease can also lead to erectile dysfunction. Malformations of the penis, foreskin constriction or inflammation of the prostate, testicles or epididymis are also often the cause of erectile dysfunction.

In addition to physical causes, psychological problems can also lead to erectile dysfunction. These include, above all, stress in the professional or private environment, unresolved conflicts in the partnership and high pressure to perform in connection with fear of failure. Anxiety disorders, depression, personality disorders or traumatic sexual experiences in the past can also prove to be triggering factors.

What treatments are possible for erectile dysfunction

Once the doctor has diagnosed a physically caused erectile dysfunction, treatment is usually carried out depending on the case with the help of various therapy options.

Viagra and co.

PDE-5 inhibitors, i.e. Viagra or tadalafil, are often used to treat erectile dysfunction. However, as they only help in around 50 per cent of all cases. And some people are unable to take them for medical reasons, other methods are also used.

SKIT/SKAT method

If PDE-5 inhibitors are not an option for you, there is the option of injecting the active ingredient alprostadil directly into the penis to improve blood flow to the erectile tissue (SKIT/SKAT autoinjection therapy). The treatment is associated with risks, as it can lead to infections and inflammation. As well as bleeding or penile fibrosis (unwanted proliferation of connective tissue).

Treatment according to the MUSE principle

The MUSE method, in which sticks or creams with the same active ingredient are administered via the urinary tract, is also possible. From there they enter the organism and develop their effect. However, introducing them into the urethra can be unpleasant. It must also be ensured that there is no intolerance to alprostadil. 

Pumping for more standing capacity

A mechanical treatment method is the vacuum pump in combination with rubber rings. To do this, you insert your penis into a cylinder and create a vacuum by pumping inside it. This causes more blood to flow into the penis and an erection occurs. To keep it as long as possible, a rubber ring is attached to the base of the penis before the pump is used. It prevents the blood from flowing out again too quickly.

Tumescent body implants

The most comprehensive treatment method for erectile dysfunction is for surgical interventions. In these procedures, inflatable or permanently inflated and flexible erectile tissue implants are implanted in the penis. This step needs to be carefully considered, as such an operation damages the erectile tissue and the subsequent choice of another therapy is not possible.

What you can do yourself

It is well known that there are numerous risk factors that may favour the development of erectile dysfunction. In addition to an older age, these are above all a poor diet, obesity and excessive alcohol, nicotine and drug consumption.

Living healthy

With these factors in mind, it is clear that you can do something about your erectile dysfunction yourself by adopting a healthy lifestyle. Even a healthy diet, regular exercise and a normal body weight will go a long way. If you then reduce your alcohol and nicotine consumption and give up drugs, you will be well on your way.

Silence is silver, talk is gold

Because erectile dysfunction is very often due to psychological causes, sessions with a therapist or conversations with people who have the same problems can also be very helpful. Talking to a therapist, a good friend or someone who is affected yourself will help you to realise that you are not alone with your problem and that you will not be left alone.

In addition, possible causes can be identified and worked through in such conversations. This could be work-related stress or deep-seated problems in your relationship. Traumatic experiences can also cause erectile dysfunction. By talking to a trusted person, you can address them, face them and hopefully put them behind you.

To avoid stress in your relationship, you should also be open with your partner and talk to them about your problems. As fear of failure often plays a role in erectile dysfunction, his understanding can take the pressure to perform, which usually goes hand in hand with the fear of failure, off you and provide relaxation.

Conclusion: Erectile dysfunction can be managed

Admittedly, the experience of not being able to stand your ground in bed can be distressing and frustrating. However, you shouldn’t let it worry you too much if you notice erectile dysfunction in yourself. Get a thorough check-up from your doctor and let them suggest possible treatments based on their diagnosis. Normally, the problems can be managed with the forms of therapy presented here. In combination with what you can do yourself, you should see results and be more stable during sex again.

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