Gay Tribes Edition: # 12 other gay tribes you should know about

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To be gay is not always as uncomplicated as you think. It is often difficult to recognise like-minded people immediately. Flirting with the gay cashier or waiter may be tempting, but success is rarer than you think. The probability of meeting straight men is unfortunately often quite high. And then you have also provoked an unpleasant situation. That’s why there are gay tribes. They are types that make it easier to recognise whether someone is also gay.

What else is there for gay tribes?

Luckily, there is digital dating for gays and thus the possibility to get to know the new lover quite comfortably. Grindr helps us gays make it clear who we are and what we are looking for with 12 different categories! You want to know what’s behind Gym Bunny and Co? Then stay tuned, we have the explanations for you.

Rugged – the unknown term

It is considered a “nature boy” but has numerous variants. Many men don’t know what to do with the Tribe “Rugged” because the look resembles a twink or even a scruff. The attractiveness of rugged clearly comes from their naturalness. They have a big body, are able to fill a tree and often stand on wooden shirts. Rugged are partnership material, but also like to engage in hot adventures with their counterparts.

Bull – the muscle man among the gays

Bulls and Bears have a lot in common, though with the former, hairiness doesn’t matter. Bulls train hard for their muscles and like to show them off during lovemaking. It is not uncommon for them to use tender sex partners to make the controversy even more intense. A Bull spends part of his life bodybuilding and never lets his muscles go to waste. He is impressive and very attractive to many men.

Pup – the good dog for hot games

Pups are men who take the submissive part of the dog in pup play. Puppies love to obey their owners and follow their commands. Those who declare themselves as Pup clearly have a preference for puppy play and like to put on a hot mask

Pig – the lusty and free gay

Men are pigs – that was already sung by the Princes. Good thing pigs are highly intelligent animals, because Grindr also has a corresponding tribe with “Pig”. This is the name given to men who are very open to sexual adventures and have various fetish tendencies. Pig is not meant to be used pejoratively, but merely to show that varied sexual encounters are possible here.

Gaymer – the homosexual gambler

Here the name says it all, Gaymer are gays who particularly like to hang out in front of the computer or at the console in their free time. In 2013, for the first time, there was a professional gaming convention aimed specifically at the LGBTQ+ community. The so-called GaymerX was a paradise for all gaymers who wanted to network with other gay gamers.

Gym Bunny – the beauties from the gym

If we are going to throw around clichés, then the Gym Bunny should not be missing. This is the term used to describe men who do everything for their muscles in the gym. They don’t do this for health reasons, but to clearly show off their assets. Gym bunnies are often regarded with caution, they are considered vain and sometimes even arrogant. A popular (and not very flattering) synonym is the so-called “Muscle-Mary”.

Poz – Meet gays with positive HIV test on Grindr

Luckily, we live in an enlightened society and know that HIV is not an exclusion criterion for sex or a partnership. And yet, it is fair to clearly declare one’s HIV status. Because we also know that gays often have unprotected sex, and there should at least be a conscious decision. With Poz, a tribe was created that allows openness with the topic of HIV without discriminating against those affected, because according to studies, this is unfortunately still everyday life in society.

Himbo – the naive copycat

Phew, whether the category “Himbo” is too flattering, we don’t want to judge. In general, the term Himbo stands for an attractive guy who is rather reserved. Officially, a word combination of “Him” (Him) and “Bimbo” (Bo) was once created via Twitter. A guy who seamlessly follows you around, shows little initiative, but at least looks good. The golden heart should be one of the central elements of the Himbo. This good-natured type of person is genuinely nice and does not hide behind a façade. Many gays see marriage material in the Himbo and symbolise the Disney hero Hercules with it.

Leather – the leather lover for hot hours

As a gay, you are probably familiar with the topic of leather, because this fetish is a real all-rounder. Whether fetish clothing from the leather category or casual rocker outfits during the day – gays and leather somehow go together. A leather guy clearly has a leather fetish, but it can vary. Sometimes it’s just a daddy who likes to wear a leather waistcoat and trousers in everyday life, but sometimes it’s an S&M fan who can’t get going in bed without leather.

Discreet – the mysterious silent man

The discreet one gets his name from the fact that he hides and reveals nothing about himself. He does not want to bring his private life out into the open, possibly because he has a heterosexual partner waiting for him at home. Discreet men are often looking for a kind of second life and want to build a homoerotic relationship or affair behind closed doors. With this man, you can sniff poppers and have a blast in bed in one evening, but you won’t meet him again in everyday life.

Geek – the nerd with the likeability factor

Who likes a smart-ass? Nobody! We know that from The Simpsons at the latest, where Millhouse could never really get into Bart’s good graces. Geeks are a mixture of smart alecks and sympathisers, and change the stereotypical way of thinking. The name, by the way, comes from “Freak”, as a geek usually has a special passion, for some or individual topics. Affectionately, geeks can also be called likeable scientists. On Grindr, you have a good chance of meeting such a sexy professor.

Clean-Cut – for the beauties among the gays

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, as we all know, but some men are simply described as “beautiful” more often than average. And these are precisely the so-called clean-cuts. The term also stands for “handsome” and thus for particularly attractive. If we rely on the cliché, this man does not drink, eats healthily and would never touch cigarettes. If you need a few examples by name that Google classifies as “clean-cut”, think of Taylor Lautner or Channing Tatum.


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