How do I clean my dick properly?

5 Min. Lesezeit

We certainly don’t want to tell anyone what to do, but daily washing should be a matter of course. On the other hand, if you feel the need to clean your penis after every pee, you’re overdoing it. Penis cleansing refers to cleaning the penis to ensure good hygiene for you and your best piece. Regular cleaning is important to minimise bacteria and odours, and to prevent infection and irritation. Here are some steps you can follow when cleaning your penis:

  1. wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water before you start cleaning
  2. Use warm water to thoroughly wash the penis, using mild soap to remove dirt and bacteria, but avoid strong soaps or detergents as these can irritate the sensitive skin and pH of the penis
  3. Rinse the penis thoroughly with warm water to remove all soap residue
  4. After cleaning, dry your penis carefully with a clean towel

It is important to be careful not to scrub too hard or use too much soap. This can cause irritation. It is recommended to clean the penis at least once a day, especially after sexual intercourse.


All kinds of perfume are bad for the genital area. Aftershaves and eau de toilettes contain alcohol, which dries out the skin and weakens the immune system. Besides, a perfumed cock is not everyone’s cup of tea – and one should always think a little about others. Deodorants are quite unhealthy. If your lily still smells bad after washing, you either have something wrong with your head or are suffering from a metabolic disease, which you should then generally have treated.

And while we’re at it: Faces are peeled and nails polished. But the cock is supposed to look how it is? No, no. You will certainly have a lot of fun if you give yourself a cucumber mask occasionally. No, of course not »with cucumber«, but »of cucumber«. After washing, grease it or rub it with warm oil. The cock likes that, the man likes that.

Burning, itching

Unfortunately, there is not enough space here to list symptoms and diseases. If you notice any change in your root – redness, swelling, spots etc. –, it’s best to go to your doctor. – it is best to see a doctor who specialises in skin and sexually transmitted diseases. Either way, you will sleep better afterwards. It would be a shame if, out of shame or laziness, you ruined your chances of making yourself and others happy at such low cost for the rest of your life.

Internal cock care

There we go… the prostate massage (we don’t know why we always jump right in). We are not advocating passive anal intercourse here, but because we are only interested in your health. A swollen prostate neither feels great nor makes you horny, not to mention the consequences (inflammation, enlargement, cancer). So there’s no harm in steadfast bending-over refusers sticking a finger up their bum now and then and gently massaging the little nut to mix the secretions a little. One minute is enough, and your abdomen will feel like new.

When it comes to the erectile strength and hardness of your cock, as well as your stamina, there are a lot of factors that determine this. It starts with the rumour that you won’t be able to get it up when you get older anyway, or that it won’t be as hard. This rumour is the worst kind of nerve poison, because it leads to a bad lifestyle, according to the motto: »It doesn’t matter!« Don’t believe it! And work towards »destiny« from now on.

Bad diet

It is known that poor nutrition leads to deposits in the blood vessels. If the tail is not thick enough, the vessels are even less so. Constriction leads to blockage and occlusion. Lack of blood flow = lack of erectile function, it’s as simple as that. Enzymes in food take care of this (pineapple, papaya and mango contain plenty of them), as does a low-fat diet or a diet with so-called healthy fats (omega-3 acids). French fries are not fried in it – just mentioned in passing. The fact that spicy food (Thai, Indian, Arabic …) increases libido is no myth, by the way, because chilli, ginger and the like stimulate the blood flow and clean out the blood vessels.

Bad »watering«

Alcohol consumption – beyond the healthy measure – damages the peripheral nervous system, i.e. that of the limbs; which in this case also includes the limb, hihi! The blood circulation is slowed down, erection problems (the cock doesn’t rise as far, doesn’t get as hard, takes longer to raise its head) are the result. High fluid intake, on the other hand, is important. However, this does not mean coffee or black tea (they are excessively watery!), but (mineral) water and green or red teas as well as fruit juices (then your own sperm tastes better).

Bad ventilation

Nicotine is a neurotoxin. When you smoke a cigarette, your body temperature drops by up to one degree. These necessary processes do not have a positive influence on your erectile function either.

Bad exercise

Human civilisation has already brought with it some serious consequences that are hard to counteract. And please, we don’t all wish ourselves back to the jungle, it would be far too crowded for us there. The everyday clicking of the mouse or lifting of the chip finger to the mouth is not enough to keep the body fit. Swimming and jogging increase stamina and thus ensure deeper orgasms and shorter breaks until the next one; they promote blood circulation and thus potency.

Targeted building of the leg muscles and the buttocks counteract rapid exhaustion (during fucking). It also has other advantages: Ever seen an untrained man with a naked ass in chaps? Oh, you’d rather not look there, right? Well, that was the right answer. Remember, with all that mother has written here, that prevention is always the better alternative to treatment – and not just when erectile dysfunction has already set in.

You don’t think all this is necessary because Viagra and the like are now available? Perhaps we should point out that no long-term studies are available yet. For a 60-year-old who starts taking Viagra today, it is only marginally relevant whether his erectile tissue will be worn out in 10 years. In the case of a 25-year-old, things might be different. However, few seem to be thinking about that.

Psycho Dick Care

It is easy to forget that not only the cock needs care, but also the psyche. Good sex depends on a healthy attitude. Those who are ashamed of their needs and desires find it difficult to live them out, and may even need drugs or dark places to put them into practice. And these are not the best conditions for a healthy, fulfilled, enriching sexuality. You don’t have to expose your genitals to the public in one go or interrupt every conversation with a »Oh, by the way, have you ever tried sitting on a tennis ball while jerking off?« Anyone who behaves inappropriately »generous« is just as little free as any clamp nurse.

We don’t want to draw up a list of 12,000 rules of conduct here, but only encourage you to be more aware of your reactions. Just be attentive. Do you blush when someone in the group talks about sex? Get restless? Do you start giggling? Or do you deny jerking off when a friend asks you about it? Pay attention to your reactions and ask yourself about anything that feels tight and unfree, what could help you feel freer or even free?


Don’t forget: You have a right to masturbation! You have a right to sex, no matter what religion you feel you belong to. No matter what your parents, friends or teachers say about it. And jerking off is neither harmful to your health, nor does it lead you down the wrong path, let alone to hell! If you feel clear with yourself, the next step is to actually talk to good friends about it. For the simple reason that they might have techniques that you don’t know about. It would be a shame if you missed out on that.

At the same time, it’s a great opportunity to show off what you’ve learned from our guide. Last but not least, the more you value yourself (strong self-confidence, healthy self-worth, kind self-love), the healthier you will align your life. Of course, this cycle also works in the other direction: the more you orient your life towards health, the stronger the message to your self-confidence. Your self-worth increases and with it – you can guess what we’re writing now, can’t you? – Your dick.


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