Pansexual & Panromantic Awareness Day

3 Min. Lesezeit

Many of you may already know: On 24 May, we celebrate Pansexual & Panromantic Awareness Day. But why actually? Primarily, it’s about raising awareness and giving more attention to people with a pansexual or panromantic orientation! Every sexual orientation has its raison d’être, and it is important not to forget people. Still pansexual or panromantic persons suffer from stigmatisation, exclusion and above all prejudice.

Pan* – we love you, and you love ALL

We want to give you the opportunity to learn everything about “Pans” and to understand even better what makes you or your counterpart tick. Just as gay people have the right to express their gay pride, the Pansexual & Panromantic Awareness Day helps this group of people!

What is “Pan”? A little refresher course

Do you know what is really annoying for pansexuals and panromanticists? The constant jokes about the term “pan”. No, it has nothing to do with the English pan. No, “pans” are not about pans. In fact, it comes from the Greek, where pan stands for “total, all, comprehensive”

Pansexual and panromantic are two different orientations. Being pansexual means that sexual attraction to another person is not related to a particular gender identity or sex. Panromantic people feel similiar, but on a romantic level and not related to sex.

Misconceptions and clichés about Pans

“Awareness” also means that we understand what pansexuality/panromanticism means in the first place. In order to clarify this, we would like to dispel a few clichés and claims that have been made over and over again, which are demonstrably untrue!

  • Pansexuality = bisexuality: Pans and Bis are weary of the comparisons between their sexualities. While there are similarities, there are also significant differences. Pans are attracted to all genders, while bisexuals are drawn to individuals of two or more genders. Definitions of bisexuality vary and are debated. The ‘+’ signifies inclusivity, indicating that bi+ individuals can be attracted to people of any gender.
  • Pansexuals are relationship-unfriendly: WTF are we thinking, but this stereotype persists. This is just as false as the statement that gays generally fuck without a condom! Pansexual or -romantic people can live completely normal relationship models or engage in open relationships, three-way relationships, etc. The only difference is the variety of partners.
  • Pansexuals cannot recognise genders: Pansexuals being called “gender-blind” is a cliché. They can respect others’ gender identities without it affecting their romantic or sexual preferences.
  • All pansexuals are unfaithful and promiscuous: This is another typical stereotype that pansexuals are familiar with. “You like everything, so you can’t be faithful.” Wrong! People who identify as pansexual can have monogamous relationships just like everyone else – if that is what is wanted.
  • Another sexuality “trend”: Some consider pansexuality and panromanticism to be a trend and do not see them as valid sexualities. They believe that there are only two genders and find attraction to non-binary people unnatural.
  • “Just a Phase”: The stereotype that pansexuality and panromanticism are transitional phases before determining a “true” sexual orientation is false. These identities are equally valid as any other sexual or romantic orientation.

Who are pansexuals/panromanticists into?

So we now know that pansexual/panromantic people don’t care what gender identification the other person feels. But what does that mean in practice? Do they have no preferences at all and just take “anyone”? Of course not! Just as you might prefer a certain type of man, pansexuals/panromanticists also have certain preferences. One likes blond hair, the next a rather shrill character, only the sex and gender identity don’t matter.

Pansexuality is derived from the Greek word “pan” which means “everything” or “all”. Combined with the terms sexuality or romance, the word suggests that a person may (not necessarily) feel romantic or sexual feelings towards all genders and gender identifications. This includes, but is not limited to, the following groups:

  • Transgender
  • Genderqueer
  • Woman and man
  • Non-binary people
  • Any other gender identities

Important to know: Pansexuality and panromanticism are very similar, but do not always occur together. It is quite possible for a person to feel romantic feelings towards people of all gender identities but feel sexually attracted to only one gender. It is also possible for panromantic people to live asexually and only have romantic relationships. The diversity is great, so no one really fits into a cliché box.

And what is there a special tag for?

Awareness Day on 24 May serves to raise awareness of, and celebrate, people who are pansexual and panromantic and to increase their visibility in the LGBTQ+ community. It is a “holiday” for the diversity of human love and attraction, and a sign of mutual respect. The day is meant to help break down prejudices and strengthen the community of pansexual people.

Although it is not clear how the day actually came about and who started it, its popularity shows the growing awareness within society. We celebrate sexual diversity within humanity together and make sure that no one feels excluded and disadvantaged. So join the celebration and set a sign for more acceptance and tolerance in the LGBTQ+ community!


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