Cumming till the doctor comes – wanking for the advanced

9 Min. Lesezeit

Wanking for the advanced is fun. It helps to develop a feeling for the body, builds up self-esteem, promotes lust, makes you healthier. Also it boosts your mood, gives you a feeling of independence and, last but not least, is very cheap. How would it be if you could also use it to have more energy in everyday life? To increase your ability to concentrate, to make your dick harder, to counteract prostate enlargement? Sounds like winning the lottery, but it is much more likely to happen. It just requires a little training.

Persian Indian style

…also called »freehand« or »goldfish sex«. How this name is made up is a mystery to us, though. Because »Persian« actually means that the man bathes his cock in warm oil before he fucks – cool! But unfortunately not so insanely safe because oil makes latex condoms leaky). »Indian« refers to sex in which emphasis is placed on many different (complicated) positions (like in the Kama Sutra). Persian-Indian, however, is not the combination of the two, but only the term for coming without having laid hands on oneself. The David Copperfield technique, so to speak. This »technique« (can you even call it a technique?) became famous at the latest through Sex and the City. In it the lovely Charlotte is given shoes by a salesman on the condition that he may put them on her. Well, he wets himself in front of her and the eyes of the world.

Oh, you thought that was just a figment of the authors’ imagination, did you? Wrong. 1 in 1250 men are said to be able to cum from birth by merely concentrating on sexual fantasies. Sex researcher Dr Alfred Kinsey noted this phenomenon in his famous report from 1948. »In such a case, mental stimulation alone is sufficient for the result.«. Which should prove to the last doubter that the head is indeed the most important sex organ. But we found the opposite much more exciting – having orgasms without squirting. We actually looked into this and found out the following:

Jerking off is stupid

Of course, it’s wonderful to chase white bows through the air and to enjoy their acrobatics. Surely they have inspired some of Cirque du Soleil’s acts). Not to mention the wonderful feeling that fresh, hot semen leaves on the skin. But that is all, isn’t it? The little magic is quickly followed by everyday life: wiping, disposing of the splashed household roll, scraping stains off the wall and ceiling … . But you could have it much better, for example with another orgasm. Or with two more. Or … Well, let’s not get carried away.

Stupid thing is that the ejaculatory reflex sets off a chain of bodily reactions. The period following ejaculation, called the refractory phase by the sex researchers Master & Johnson (in the 1950s), includes: pulse, blood pressure and breathing return to normal, the cock remains a little stiff depending on the duration of the arousal and plateau phase, but the erection is then hormonally blocked. The body is flooded with prolactin, which usually stops the desire for further sex (apart from a few exceptions). We are flat, exhausted, stretched out. After all, nature is less interested in our happiness than in the most economical reproduction possible,” says Harald Euler, professor of psychology at the University of Kassel and an expert on evolution. Which should now make you turn away from the splash truck: The refractory phase increases with age.

Unleashing the Power of Multiple Orgasms: A Cost-Saving Revolution

Just imagine the cost savings that the ability to have multiple orgasms would bring. The demand for ecstasy would decrease dramatically, and Pfizer could donate its Viagra to the Vatican. You can’t buy stamina. Just as an athlete has to work long and hard on a regular basis to get fit for the championship, so does anyone who wants to experience orgasms without cumming, and anyone who wants harder and firmer erections. The benefits are literally in the palm of your hand. What sounds like the ravings of a writer on an overdose of poppers is one of the best-kept secrets of modern science. Just imagine if all those secret terrorists knew they were capable of multiple orgasms. We would live in a better world. My point is: learn it and spread it around the world, so that people will be happier!

Modern Research

Belgian doctor Chris Goossens has found that the pulse rate of footballers rises faster if they have had sex the night before the game (using the classic Western method of jerking off, of course). At the moment of maximum performance, for example when a striker stands eye to eye with the goalkeeper, this factor can make the difference between victory and defeat, Goossens concludes. And we know what consequences football results have. So jerking off not only ruins the dream of hours of orgasms, but also the ability to concentrate the next day. Stupid, eh?

But how do you make yourself come without cuming? The sex researchers William Hartman and Marilyn Fithian figured out how to do it back in the mid-70s (it’s a shame we were deprived of this for so long, isn’t it?). They studied the orgasms of 751 participants and found that 33 of them had the innate talent to come multiple times. The most successful among them, John, managed a whopping 16 climaxes in the course of just 50 minutes. Hot, huh? And this was by no means a one-hit wonder. He produced this result 25 weeks in a row without »drop in performance«. This naturally made the medical profession curious. Their research and conclusions led them to the conclusion that all men are more or less quickly able to suppress the ejaculatory reflex and thus experience a series of »dry orgasms«.

Wanking for the advanced – Step 1

Okay, enough of the torture. You now want to know how to do this. First, you need to understand that ejaculation is just a reflex that happens at the same time as orgasm, but it doesn’t necessarily have to happen. You have certainly experienced a gag reflex when something has gone down the wrong throat, such as a long cock. It’s amazing how some long, thick tails can push their way past the cilium and down into the intestine, even though the reflex of the 9th cranial nerve should actually prevent this. Well, it works with the help of regular training and good faith.

Mechanics of ejaculation

While you are looking at dirty pictures, the sperm from your testicles are scrambling up the vas deferens. At the same time, the seminal fluid in your prostate gland is pawing its hooves, and last but not least, the cowper’s drums are drooling, their clear juices oozing out of some people’s cocks long before they reach orgasm. As soon as the excitement reaches its peak, you start to wriggle like a fish out of water, and the whole shebang is flung out of all the corners with quite a bit of speed and washed out through the urinary tract. The rest is well known to you. The moment just before the seminal fluid is sent on its way is called ejaculatory inevitability or point of no return. Understand?

I bet your biology teacher didn’t teach you that, did he? How would you like to make that the topic of your next paper? It will give you a lot of misery, but all the gays in your class will be after you. Joking aside, understanding this mechanism is important. Because if you don’t learn to separate orgasm and cum in your head, you won’t be able to do it on a physical level either and will always be a pathetic one-day wonder. So, you have already mastered the first of five steps. Now for the exercises:

Wanking for the advanced – Step 2

You have to train a muscle whose existence you have only noticed in unpleasant situations: the PC muscle (abbreviation for pubococcygeus). It’s called that because it runs from the pubic bone (Os pubis) to the coccyx (Os coccygis); it’s also called the voluntary pee closure muscle. Okay, in medicine it is called something else, but this word creation helps you to understand more easily what unpleasant situations we are talking about. This muscle was trained automatically when there were no stools and people squatted down and got up 5000 times a day. If you learn to control this muscle, you will literally learn to avoid ejaculation. The training is simple: stop three times each time you pee, without using your stomach or ass muscles. This is very uncomfortable at first, especially if you already have prostate problems, but over time it decreases; it gets easier every time.

PC exercise

Once you have learned to sense your PC in this way, you can also exercise it when you are not peeing. The best time is first thing in the morning when you wake up in bed. Tense, release, tense, release … – three sets à 15 times. If you do this three times a day, you will strengthen the muscle faster.

Once you have mastered this, increase the tension: tense the PC and hold the tension for a full five seconds each time. Repeat this 15 times as well. Three sets three times a day, and you’ll soon be there.

Once you have done this to some extent, increase until you can hold this tension for 15 seconds in a »relaxed« manner. No, this is not a contradiction. Relaxed because the rest of your body should remain relaxed. And relaxed also because the PC has built up so much strength that tensing it no longer requires any effort. And why 15 seconds as a target? Because that corresponds to the approximate duration of the ejaculatory reflex. So you have to learn to hold out if you want to have an orgasm without squirting. By the way, Tantrics and Taoists also learn to master similar exercises. Pregnant women who cannot hold their pee learn to counteract this with so-called Kegel exercises (after the doctor Dr. Arnold Kegel, who developed these exercises in the 1950s), which are »structurally identical« to the ones named here.

Wanking for the advanced – Step 3

Now you have to get to know your arousal curve better. That means: don’t just let the horny feeling drive you until the fireworks go off in your cock and then snore away, but EXPLORE. Surf the wave of your arousal, get to know the milestones on the way to orgasm. What happens at which point of your arousal? When do your nipples stand up? Do your legs start to wriggle? When does your breathing change? In what way? And is there a change in your head (pressure increases, feeling of heat, stars in front of your eyes)? The most important thing: Switch your night vision to super high resolution every time just BEFORE you come. You need to know all your body reactions at that moment, because they will help you to recognise when you need to intervene.

This is why it is also better not to be distracted by porn etc. during these exploration phases, so that you can occupy yourself with your body and its sensations! And if you notice that you are coming, use the already mentioned delay techniques to help you get closer and closer to the point of no return. Uhhhmm… that doesn’t happen the first time. You won’t have learned this even after wanking five times and fifteen times. Therefore be patient! Be satisfied if you learn a little more about yourself with each solo number. Approach the matter playfully and curiously. If you just want to get it over with quickly, it will be exhausting and there is a big risk that you will break off in frustration.

Wanking for the advanced – Step 4

Now you just have to learn to tense your PC muscle at exactly the right time. A few seconds too early and you’ll deny yourself an orgasm. A few seconds too late and you can’t suppress the reflex any more, the chances of further orgasms are gone. The right moment is just before the muscles in the base of your cock start to contract to expel the sperm. Hold the tension for ten to 15 seconds, and suddenly the ejaculatory reflex is suppressed, the orgasm is felt, and the boner stops. Let’s go on! Your sex partner will be amazed.

A nice side effect: If you don’t spend the built-up energy in the form of a genital orgasm – in German: mit Abspritzen –, a full-body orgasm can occur, in the best case a spiritual one, the feeling of merging with the partner, or if no one is available, with the world. Cool, huh?

Cold peasants and cold coffee

It’s all very simple. You just have to practice. It is said that it takes a maximum of six months to master this technique. So much for the inventions of scientists in our fun society. As exciting as multiorgasms are, there is an even better way: not to ejaculate at all. Taoists practice multiorgasmic sex not to relieve boredom, but to strengthen their health. The idea is that the body can’t tell if you’re jerking off for pleasure or to produce offspring. Therefore, your organs give everything every time to create new life.

These are big words. But if you feel the exhaustion that comes after the big oh, you will be more inclined to agree with them. Some sects in India, therefore, drink the seed in order to recover the »wasted energy« after all, it consists of minerals, enzymes and vitamins. But this calculation is made without the energy.

Mantak Chia (here in the West one of the leading teachers of Taoist sexuality) writes: »A man who has sexual intercourse without spilling his seed strengthens his life substance. If he does it twice, his hearing and his sight improve. If he succeeds three times, all his physical ailments disappear. The fourth time he will begin to find his inner peace. After the fifth time, his blood will circulate powerfully. At the sixth time his genitals will attain extraordinary powers. His thighs and ass will become firm at the seventh time . At the eighth time his body will show radiant health. At the ninth time his life expectancy will increase.

We would say that this is figuratively speaking. But the direction is clear: cumming without jerking off has a health-promoting aspect.


Here it gets slippery!

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