Getting into BDSM for couples: A guide

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BDSM for couples – Ok, so you’re ready to explore the world of BDSM. Here are a few practical tips on what you should do to make your first experience the best it can be. The first step is to have an open and factual conversation. Clarify who will take the dominant role (top) and who will take the submissive role (bottom) and establish a safe word that will end the game immediately if needed. An unusual word such as “flower vase” or “Playstation” works well, as it is not normally used in a sexual context. Alternatively, you can use the traffic light system, where “red” signals an immediate stop and “yellow” indicates an intensity limit.

First steps: Make clear agreements

Talk before, during and after the game

Communication is key. Don’t just talk before the game, but also during and after to ensure that both partners are emotionally well-cared for and feel comfortable. Good aftercare is essential.

Establish a safe power dynamic

As a newcomer to BDSM for couples, it’s important to establish a safe and seamless power dynamic. You should ensure that both emotional needs are taken into account and that the play is perceived as normal and positive.

Clarify your own motives

Think about why you want to try BDSM. Maybe you just want to explore something new, or maybe there are deeper motivations. Think about the bigger picture and talk about it before you discover new aspects of yourself and your partner.

Set rules and comfort zones

During the conversation, you can set rules and comfort zones and find out which boundaries you might want to cross. A safe word can help to stop the game immediately if it gets too intense. If talking is impossible, agree on a clear sign, such as forming a circle with your thumb and index finger.

Build trust

Trust is an essential part of BDSM for couples. The more trust there is between you, the more intensely you can live out the power dynamic that makes BDSM so unique.

Discuss fantasies and expectations

Talk openly about your fantasies and expectations. This is particularly important to ensure that no one is hurt, either physically or emotionally. These conversations can also be very exciting and bonding. Don’t be afraid of dirty talk – it can boost self-confidence and strengthen the power dynamic between you.

Create a closer bond

Not only will you create a closer bond through regular communication, but you’ll also set the right tone to fully engage in the game. That way, you’ll both be in the right frame of mind when it starts.

Don’t be influenced by books or films

It’s fine if you want to act out a hot scene, but don’t expect your first BDSM experience to be exactly like a fantasy. Such expectations can lead to disappointment and detract from the actual experience. BDSM for couples is more than just acting out external fantasies. It’s about the inner journey of power and control for the Dom and the sub’s surrender. Instead of working towards a specific image, focus on the here and now and what you and your partner are actually experiencing and feeling. Start small and take your time to discover the dynamics and pleasure of the power shift.

Approach it slowly

A first BDSM session doesn’t have to involve extreme practices such as spanking or bondage. Start with simple commands such as “Kneel down” or “Take your clothes off”. Non-sexual instructions, such as tidying up the flat, can also be a good start. Pay attention to how this makes you feel and whether you want to continue.

Be authentic and stay true to yourself. Don’t try to conform to a certain image or be inspired by films or porn. These often don’t correspond to reality and can create false expectations. Approach equipment slowly and observe your partner’s reactions.

Take BDSM for couples seriously

Fun is important, but so are safety and seriousness. BDSM for couples requires maturity and responsibility, as it harbours both physical and psychological dangers. Your partner is putting themselves in an extremely vulnerable position. Make sure that you are both prepared to take this experience seriously and proceed slowly. Control the orgasm first to make the transition to bondage play smoother and less intimidating. Debriefing after each session is essential. Discuss what went well and what didn’t to make sure you both feel comfortable, and the experience remains positive. Take it step by step to avoid negative experiences and build confidence.

Orgasm control as an introduction

Before you start with ropes, blindfolds or whips, try orgasm control. Delaying orgasm, also known as ‘edging’, is a great introduction to BDSM for couples. Delaying climax can lead to more intense orgasms and helps both partners learn control. The Dom must remain attentive and wait for the right moment, while the sub learns to practice patience and trust. Delayed gratification strengthens the sub’s trust and devotion. The more you get involved, the more intense the experience becomes.

Using everyday objects

You don’t need any special equipment to get started with BDSM. Use simple everyday objects such as a blindfold or a scarf to change your perception. For more painful games, you can use household items such as wooden spoons or clothes pegs. Always start gently and only increase the intensity after consultation.

Aftercare in BDSM

Aftercare is a common practice in BDSM for couples that takes place after intense sexual acts. It is essential to bring the partners back to reality after the physical and psychological intensity.

What is aftercare?

Aftercare involves rituals and practices that help regulate the emotions and body after a BDSM session. These rituals vary from person to person, but have the common goal of supporting the physical and mental health of the partner.

As with many things in life, sex has a beginning, a middle and an end. Aftercare ensures that the end is treated just as importantly as the beginning (foreplay) and the middle (the sexual act itself). It makes it possible to calm down after the intense experience, to continue interacting with each other, to touch each other and to nurture the connection.

Practical tips for aftercare

  • Take time for each other: After sex, you should take time for each other, calm down and breathe deeply.
  • Sensual interaction: Continue to touch each other, play with each other and be sensual with each other.
  • Emotional support: Talk about your feelings and experiences to create emotional balance.
  • Physical care: Take care of any physical needs, such as drinking water or caring for marks left by the game.

Avoiding an abrupt ending: Sex can often end abruptly if one of the partners gets what they want and then stops. This can lead to frustration and a feeling of loneliness. Aftercare is particularly important here to avoid these negative feelings and enable a harmonious ending.

Aftercare for unconsummated sex: Even if sex ends without a climax, the sexual arousal remains and the hormones and emotions associated with it need to be processed. Aftercare helps to gently come out of this state without experiencing an abrupt crash.


After each session, you should talk about what you experienced. Share what you liked, what you didn’t like and what thoughts you had. These debriefings are part of the so-called aftercare in BDSM for couples, and help you to process the intense experiences and organise future sessions better.

Why sexual aftercare is important

Aftercare in BDSM for couples is essential to ensure that both partners return to reality and feel cared for after the intense experience. Dominance and obedience during a BDSM session can be very intense, both mentally and physically. After the session, it takes time to work through these intense experiences.

Importance of aftercare for both partners

Aftercare is not only important for the submissive partner, but also for the dominant partner. While the submissive often needs more intensive care, it is also important for the dominant to relax and process the experience. Here are some methods of practising sexual aftercare:

Methods of aftercare

  • Hugs: Hugs are a simple and effective method of aftercare. They promote the release of oxytocin, which reduces stress and increases intimacy, and help to calm submissive partners.
  • Water and snacks: After the session, it is important to drink plenty of water and possibly eat something to keep the body fuelled and strong.
  • Treat minor injuries: Minor injuries can occur during more intense scenes. These should be disinfected and treated, bruises can be treated with ice and loving gestures.
  • Sleeping together: A nap together can do wonders to promote intimacy and help you process the experiences.
  • Watching films: Optimistic or interesting films can help lift your mood and avoid possible after-effects such as sub-depression.
  • Kissing or slow sex: Tender, slow sex or simple kissing can help strengthen the connection and ease the transition out of BDSM roles.
  • Service behaviour: Shared activities such as cooking or hugging and caring for each other can be comforting and bonding.
  • Affirming words: Positive affirmations and praise strengthen self-esteem and the emotional bond.
  • Massage: An extensive massage helps to reduce tension and strengthen the physical and emotional connection.

Exchange with the community

If you enjoy BDSM for couples and would like to go deeper, seek dialogue with others. Visit regulars’ tables, fetish parties or fetish shops to find out more and share your experiences. There are also BDSM coaches who can advise and support beginners. Stepping into the BDSM world can be exciting and enriching. Be open, communicate clearly, and give yourself the time you need to live out your fantasies safely and consensually.


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