Show off your balls with ball pumping

4 Min. Lesezeit

Your cock will make the hearts of many gays beat faster. It’s so magnificent and hard, 20 centimetres isn’t just a number with you. If you look a little further down, your balls look rather puny in view of your cock and don’t cut a good figure. No problem – with ball pumping, you can get even more out of your balls and are guaranteed to impress your next bed partner.

Why ball pumping has so many advantages for hot gays

Everyone has probably thought about enlarging their cock, right? But who thinks about pumping up their own balls and putting them in the spotlight? Let me tell you – more and more gays are discovering this new method of horniness for themselves. However, it’s not just about aesthetics, but especially about benefits in bed.

  • Testosterone: Ball pumping is said to improve the production of testosterone. Do we remember? The ‘manhood hormone’ not only influences beard growth, but can even improve sperm production. So pump hard if you just want to wank in your next partner’s face.
  • Big balls: Pumping enlarges the blood vessels and improves blood flow to the balls. This leads to an increase in volume and the proverbial “fat sack”. The effect is also transferred to your cock – it becomes thicker, hornier and simply more mature.

Important: Ideally, you would like to have a really big sack today. Nevertheless, don’t use the pump too hard, but increase the pressure slowly. This will help your tissue to stretch better and minimise the risk of tears or bruises.

Create real ‘low hangers’

How your balls look in the end depends on how you use the pump. You can adjust the speed. The inner testicles enlarge faster than the skin of your scrotum. So if your balls normally appear rather inconspicuous, you will fill the sac better this way. The final effect depends on the type of application.

If you only use your ball pump for short sessions (less than an hour), your balls will feel thick and plump. The scrotum will feel completely full, as if you haven’t had sex for at least a month.

If you pump for more than an hour, the picture changes. After the balls have swollen considerably, the scrotum also enlarges. It inflates and looks like a fat grapefruit, making your partner’s mouth water. After a few hours, the picture changes again. The fluid is broken down by the body and the eggs return to normal size. However, the sac itself remains longer and the weight of your testicles also increases. The more often you pump, the longer the result will last!

Why temperature is important when pumping

There’s a reason why Mother Nature placed the sensitive testicles outside your body. Here they have a slightly lower temperature and can produce sperm better. You may be familiar with the effect when it’s hot that your balls suddenly seem longer and hang downwards. This happens to cool them down. The further away your testicles are from your body, the lower your body temperature will be.
However, if you are freezing, the scrotum tightens up, and you have firm, plump but small balls. Your body also does this on purpose to warm up your crown jewels.
This is an important realisation for pumping, because when your balls are warmer, they can be stretched more effectively. Take a shower or a long bath beforehand to get your testicles in the best possible shape. If you use the pump now, you’ll create an image worth seeing.

Let’s do it: How to get started with ball pumping

You’ve had enough theory and finally want to try it out? Basically, ball pumping works similarly to using a penis pump. However, we have a few tips for you on how you can increase the effect:

  • Warm balls: warm up your scrotum so that it is in a loose and relaxed shape. It shouldn’t be “hot”, but warm. A pleasantly warm bath or shower in which you run the shower over your balls more often works best.
  • Massage: Knead your balls thoroughly and for a long time, pulling them down again and again. This stretches your scrotum and makes it more supple for what’s to come.
  • Use lube: Apply a high-quality lubricant to your cock and balls. Also rub it into your pump to prevent unpleasant vibes and skin irritation. The personal lubricant also ensures that your pump sucks in and seals properly.
  • Insertion: Insert your penis into the device and place the testicles in the opening provided. Now start pumping and be careful not to pinch the skin.

When pumping, don’t go full throttle straight away, but work your way up slowly. Increase the pressure until you feel a pleasant pull in your balls. As soon as it feels uncomfortable, reduce the pressure and continue with less.
Take a break after half an hour to ensure blood flow to your balls. Once you’ve become a pro, you can extend the pumping time.
Tip: During the pumping break, give your balls and cock a massage. This will stimulate blood flow and get your cock ready for the next round.

Conclusion: Ball pumping also enlarges your cock

It’s all about the balls, but your penis also benefits from ball pumping. Make sure you get yourself a high-quality pump right from the start. Your cock is a sanctuary, don’t jeopardise it with inadequate equipment.


Click here for our ball stretchers!

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