The fisting douching- the be-all and end-all!

6 Min. Lesezeit

The Fisting douching: to douche or not to douche, is less a question of personal preference than of health. »Slipping« during fisting is almost certainly the most frequent cause of coitus interruptus, i.e. the interruption of sex. Among fisters, this is known as a »dirty catastrophe« in the USA, there is the somewhat more entertaining term chocolate fountain.

Douching made easy

We have summarised the best tips for Fisting douching here, because we are convinced that a clean bowel is not only a question of hygiene, but above all because flushing helps to preserve your health. Good flushing removes hard-to-digest or undigested intestinal contents, such as poppy seeds and nuts (which are sharper than you might think), which could otherwise damage the intestinal wall. Furthermore: if you know how to do it, the matter is quickly settled.

Fucking shit! – Or what actually is excrement?

Faeces consist of the indigestible parts of food, fibre and undigested residues such as fat, starch, connective tissue and muscle fibres and the amount of water that has not been absorbed in the upper parts of the large intestine.
The body’s own substances include dead intestinal cells, residues of digestive enzymes and mucus. The bile pigments bilirubin and biliverdin are broken down by bacteria in the large intestine to stercobilin, bilifuscin and mesobilifuscin, giving the characteristic yellowish-brown to dark brown colour. Small amounts of the bile acids themselves, as well as the lecithin and other phospholipids secreted by the bile to protect the intestinal mucosa, are excreted with the faeces.
The unpleasant odour of omnivore faeces comes from indole and scatole, as well as alkanethiols. These are formed during the digestion of proteins. Hydrogen sulphide also contributes to the odour; it is formed when the sulphur-containing amino acids of proteins are broken down by Fäulnis bacteria.
With about 30% of the dry weight, the intestinal flora is an essential component of the faeces. As normal flora, it consists of the microorganisms found in the large intestine.

Function of the intestine

To understand Fisting douching, it’s important to grasp the basics of digestion. The intestine utilizes ring-shaped muscles to transport food, contracting and relaxing from entrance to exit. These contractions, known as “propulsive,” propel the contents through the intestine. Intestinal movements are triggered by the presence of intestinal contents and local reflexes. When there is no matter to move, the bowels recover from digestion.
Reflexes triggered by food ingestion are vital to digestion. Some fisters fast before sessions, but it’s not necessary. While devouring a whole pig may keep digestion busy, easily digestible food is ready in a few hours. Caffeine promotes peristalsis, making it beneficial before a fisting session to promote natural bowel movements and prepare the rectum.
From what we have just learned, it quickly becomes clear that peristalsis can also play a trick on you when you are Fisting douching. If you fill your bowels to the brim, you will spend hours trying to empty them again. But before we get down to the business of flushing, an important question.

How deep is your love?

What are your plans for the evening?

  • Stretching exercises?
  • Little fisting session (rosette play plus ampulla stretching)?
  • Deep fisting session (penetrating the last corners of your abdomen)?

Fisting douching – Positions

Before we go into the cleaning necessities of these three needs in more detail, a word about the positions, which applies to all douches: As a hygiene-conscious gaylette, it is obvious to carry out the Fisting douching process under a running shower. Unscrew the shower head, screw on the rinsing rod, place it on the rosette and off you go.
Not only does this sound like a clean solution, it also protects the smell buds from being too much of a nuisance. But! Let’s recall the anatomy once again. The sigmoid first falls behind the ampulla before it passes into the large intestine. The water remains in the siphon-like bulge until it is expelled with the next peristaltic movement. But when will that come?
Because you have dutifully followed our advice not to eat anything heavy during the day, and have kept your hands off any snacking for two hours before eating, peristalsis will take its time – and, with a bit of bad luck, will only come to you when you are already lying in the sling and your playing partner is placed in front of the cave from which, after a short rumble, a geyser spews its fountains.
It is therefore better not to give yourself the enema standing up, but lying down, on your left side. At least for most of us. For a few of us, the rectum may be in such a position that the left side position doesn’t work. You will find that out after a few attempts.

Fisting douching for Stretching

You should know that the bowel always gets rid of the top layer of mucous membrane with every bowel movement, i.e. after natural emptying your bowel is first »clean« (apart from illnesses such as diarrhoea or inflammation). So if you have had a healthy bowel movement and patted the bowel dry before stretching, there is no need to follow up with large bowel movements.

Small fun for the little session

If you want to get your sphincter muscle stretched and don’t intend to let your partner penetrate you beyond your ampoule, you’ll be fine with a little Fisting douching.
As for the use of assistive devices, everyone holds sacred the toy they’ve discovered for themselves. We will not be prescriptive here, but only present various common and widely available devices and point out their advantages and disadvantages.
There is a whole range of so-called anal showers, which consist of a kind of bellows that you fill with water and a tube that you insert and through which the water is forced into the intestine. They are available in different designs (colours, shapes, materials, amounts of water).
They are unbeatable when travelling because, especially in faraway countries, one often encounters the problem that the water connections do not fit the irrigation hose that one has transported across the Atlantic in one’s make-up bottle.
The disadvantage is obvious: the amount of water they can hold is small. For deep rinsing or even for rinsing games, you have to be prepared to constantly refill the bellows. There are simpler methods.

Quantity of water

Travel showers hold from 100 ml to perhaps 300 ml. You won’t get very deep with that. To clean the lower part of your rectum properly, you will probably need two sprays (one for the gross and one for rinsing), each with a maximum of half a litre of liquid, and that’s a lot.

Travel sanitary showers hold 100 ml to maybe 300 ml and don’t go very deep.

Rinsing liquid

Talking about liquid. In the scene, all kinds of additives are often held up for admission. Apart from various drugs, they also like coffee, alcohol or aspirin. Leave that to the experienced. As a beginner, we strongly advise you to experience the basics of fisting firsthand before you use chemical additives to enter states of consciousness that you can no longer control. For the enema, the liquid should always be warm to the body.

Warm to the body means that you do not feel a difference in temperature when you put your fingers in. If the water is too cold or too hot, it will irritate the intestines, possibly even lead to hypothermia or burns, and make the sensitive mucous membrane more sensitive to injuries and the penetration of pathogens. And speaking of pathogens, don’t add anything germicidal (Sagrotan, antibiotics, Domestos). Fisting is not a sterile practice! Neither the lubes nor the gloves are sterile. The rectum can take it.

The Little Lube

  • Use a maximum of half a litre of body-warm water
  • Make sure that the filler neck does not have any sharp edges!
  • Put the filler neck in carefully to avoid injury
  • A small amount of lubricant can also work wonders here.
  • Let the water work for 10 minutes.
  • Drain yourself.
  • Repeat the process.
  • Wait half an hour before playing with yourself to see if »anything« slips in. Done!

Deep lungs

When you have found a partner with whom you are ready to experience the deep bliss of fisting, it is advisable to make sure that all kinds of noises do not come towards him during penetration. So, for perhaps the most important lesson in this chapter: you will save yourself a lot of trouble if you buy a flushing device that will allow you to penetrate deep into the bowel, but is also strong enough to lift the sigmoid siphon so that it can empty easily.
Let about a litre of lukewarm water run into your bowel, lie on your left side and wait 20 minutes. Then empty yourself. Repeat this twice, that should do it.


To avoid irritating the intestines, you can add a teaspoon of food (e.g. sunflower oil) to the rinse water. Anything else is gross mischief.

The deep douching

  • Fill a litre of body-warm water into the anal douche
  • If you are spouting directly from the tap, check the temperature and how long the water needs to run to fill about a litre into your bowel.
  • Push the filler tube carefully through the sphincter. Lubricant is also allowed here.
  • Then lie on your left side.
  • Let the water work for 20 minutes.
  • Empty yourself.
  • Repeat twice.
  • Wait at least half an hour before you start playing. There could be »some« slippage.

This is a general guideline. Of course, this also works differently for different people. As a beginner, you can use it as a guide. In time, you will find out what your intestines are capable of.

Deep intestinal cleansing

Totally healthy people may think that having a fist would be an excellent reason to have a real colon cleansing, which involves several very elaborate colon cleansing sessions to clean out the entire intestinal tract. While this may have all kinds of benefits for the health of the whole body, it is counterproductive for fisting simply because it irritates the tissues and makes them more susceptible to injury and infection.

What else you need

Whoever travels to distant countries and does not want to do without his favourite practice, should get a corresponding set of adapters for the various connections.


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