Plan your sex orgy properly

4 Min. Lesezeit

Fuck with Friends? Sometimes such an uninhibited fuck with several people can become a real highlight. The prerequisite is that everything has been well planned. Nothing is better than when in the middle of the hottest get-together, the neighbours suddenly knock or the rubbers run out. We have the best plan to make your orgy a grenade-strong experience with a lot of effervescence.

Guest check: Who gets fucked and who has to stay out?

One of the most important points are of course the studs. Some of your exes might have been a hot dog in bed, but they are not suitable for multiple cocks, as they tend to be monogamous. So look around your circle of friends and acquaintances. Cross out those who are in relationships and don’t share, because of course you don’t want to cause trouble. Maybe you even have some gays around you who already have experience with orgies. Of course, this has a lot of advantages, because these guys can be the perfect helper.

Absolute newbies are of course just as welcome, but your list should not contain only newbies. If you do, you run the risk that you will all end up sitting shy of each other and no one will make the first move. If it is your first orgy, keep the circle deliberately small. It’s better to have five guys who have at least had a threesome before than 20 guys who just get in each other’s way.

Tip: Create an official guest list, so that the others can see who is coming and whether it fits. But remember data protection. You can only name guests publicly (within a group) if everyone is happy with it.

The right location – where can you really let off steam?

In a swingers club, it is not difficult to find a place for the big fuck. In a private orgy, however, you want to be among yourselves, which makes the search for a location necessary. If you decide to have your own place, worry about soundproofing. Noisy neighbours are really not a pleasant thing, but there are remedies. You can use simple soundproofing mats to make your four walls a little quieter. There may still be some noise coming from outside, but it will be much quieter.

In order to cover up the noise a little, you will definitely need music. But please don’t come around the corner with cuddly rock, after all, it’s not supposed to be a group cuddle. Use stimulating sounds that do not necessarily encourage dancing. Otherwise, you’ll end up with a dancing gay group at home, but no one will be happy. Remember to put the playlist on repeat so that the music doesn’t pause in between and all you hear is gasping, smacking and grunting.

Safety First – Compulsory testing for all must be

Yes, there has to be a bit of fun when you are planning an orgy. Safe sex is a must, so it’s important to show up properly tested. There are now rapid tests for many sexual diseases and they are really handy. You can see straight away whether your partner is ill or not. An HIV test that is no older than six weeks would also be useful.

But beware: This is of course not a free pass for unprotected sex. Especially when meeting strangers, it is important and right that you use rubbers. After all, there are also diseases like varicose infections that you won’t see on a test strip.

Your shopping list before the orgy: You definitely need this

Now it’s time to go shopping! As the host of an orgy, you will of course need to buy most of the stuff. But your guests are welcome to bring drinks so that you can wet your thirsty throats in between. Here’s a little checklist of what you should definitely bring:

The rules of the evening – set them in advance

Even the nicest fuck needs rules so that there are no misunderstandings. If there are different inclinations among your partners, you can mark each other. Theoretically, coloured wristbands are enough for this. For example, red could stand for BDSM-open, green for anal fan, etc. Of course, you should then place a notice about the meaning in a clearly visible place.

A basic rule is: No means no! So standard, only what both really like is done. If someone refuses a sex offer, this is accepted without ifs and buts, otherwise the other person may leave the party.

The most difficult moment is between the arrival of your guests and the first kiss. The more newcomers there are, the more noticeable the nervousness will be. Make sure the music is good, offer people drinks and if you’re all up for it, run a porno. Of course, you can also hire a stripper to heat up the atmosphere. These questions depend on the type of guest you are.

Conclusion: Make a good plan, but take it easy

This sounds quite controversial, but it is the only solution. If you’re planning an orgy, be precise in your pre-planning, but keep the party itself relaxed. Nothing is more unpleasant than a cramped guest party that just doesn’t want to get in the mood. Finger food, something to drink (please not too much alcohol, otherwise everyone will just end up drunk) and lots of spaces to cuddle, make out and more are the three most important factors. In addition, of course, rubbers and the like, but you’ve already ticked that off after the shopping list. And then the motto is simply: What’s allowed is what pleases (everyone).


For the aromatic support!

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