With the latex-free condoms by Tom Rocket’s everyone can join in – even the allergy sufferers among you. Are you also allergic to condoms? From now on, this no longer has to mean that you can't have sex, or even worse, that you take the risk. Because with the latex-free condoms from our shop. As the saying goes: Every pot has a lid – with us, every cock will find the right litter. Whether extra-thin or oversized: We have latex-free condoms for everyone!
Latex-free condoms: safer sex despite allergies
It's the typical excuse when a gay man doesn't want to wear a condom. “Sorry babe, I'm allergic to latex”. But sometimes it is true, latex allergy occurs in up to three per cent of all men. Fortunately, there is now a solution that is still available to you for safer sex: We have latex-free condoms, with which you can fuck safely without your cock getting all itchy afterwards. And if your lover wants to convince you not to use a condom because of allergies, you can simply hand him a latex-free rubber nonchalantly.
Safer sex is an important topic, as inviting as his arse may be. No condom, no party. For a long time, it was difficult to find substitutes for allergy sufferers. Now there is a remedy, made from natural and extremely thin materials. You won't feel any difference to the classic condom, it couldn't be thinner! One of the most important materials is high-tech sensoprene, a colour-fast raw material that safely protects your cock. The allergy condoms for all sensitive people out there!
Latex-free condoms – fit like a second skin
As an alternative, there are condoms made of polyurethane, the most popular material for all latex allergy sufferers. Admittedly, if your skin is allergic to latex, this can have nasty consequences. Redness and itching are just one of the issues. However, it is also possible that your partner has an allergy, as they also come into contact with the latex. Don't discuss the question of guilt, just fuck with the latex-free condoms from Tom Rocket’s. They are just as safe, but feel much better for all allergy sufferers.
As with our Poppers, you will also find an appealing selection of condoms for latex allergies. Decide for yourself which material you prefer. When it comes to handling, condoms without latex no different from classic rubbers and they offer additional benefits:
- To-the-point and therefore flawless
- Well suited for latex allergy sufferers
- wall-thickness of 0.02 mm
- With typical reservoir
- Wetted or extra-thick possible
Comfort is not only important to you when it comes to your clothes? No problem, with the high-quality latex-free condoms, you can also wrap your cock in the perfect garment. So it's always ready and creates hot pleasure for you and your partner.
Latex-free condoms effective against excuses – we love safe sex for gays
The guy at the bar is so damn cute, but supposedly he doesn't drink rubbers. You have your suspicions and think he's a fraud, but you can't prove it. Nevertheless, you don't have to miss out on a fuck with him, after all, he's pretty hot. As you are a gay man of action, you always have a Parisian in your pocket. And as luck would have it, it's a latex-free condom. Watch the look on his face when you put it under his nose with a smile.
Has he really not lied and is happy? All the better for you. And even if he did cheat, he won't pull out and will still fill his penis properly. Latex-free condoms are also a win-win situation for you if you don't have an allergy. No one needs to tell you about their sensitivity, because you always have the right rubber in your pocket.
Latex-free condoms XXL – Something for every size of gay cock!
We like big dicks. I'm sure you'll find nothing more exciting than feeling a massive cock inside you as it takes you hard. It's just too bad that the right rubber is often missing… Or is it? Tom Rocket’s not only offers latex-free condoms, but they also come in larger sizes! Who doesn't hate being forced by circumstances to remain chaste – especially when it's such a filthy, really thick thing, and the guy now also has a latex allergy. Luckily, thanks to us, you are well-prepared and can pull out a handful of latex-free condoms in XL size from the bag. He's quite astonished!
Order latex-free condoms extra large – and extra hot– for your next “game night” today.
Latex-free thin condoms – This is as close to naked as you can get!
Of course, we totally understand if you don't like the feeling of rubber in your arse or over your penis. But from now on, this is no longer an excuse to break safer sex rules, because: We have latex-free super-thin condoms. With their ultra-thin walls, you'll hardly feel them, neither on your best piece nor when you're the one being fucked. Safety always comes first!
By the way: With their width of 56 mm, our super-thin favourites also fit on tails with larger sizes. You can't get any more uncompromising.
You not only need latex-free condoms, but also lubricant and Anal Relaxation Sprays (Psst: So he can take you even deeper)? From Toys to tools for your potency and even sex furniture, our shop offers you an absolute paradise for your gay needs. And don't forget: our fame, the Poppers.
Buy latex-free condoms at Tom Rocket’s
Latex-free condoms are the answer to the needs of all those who are looking for alternatives to conventional condoms. Whether big, small, thick or thin: with Tom Rocket’s latex-free condoms, everyone can fuck completely risk-free. Thick, firm and with excellent lubrication properties, latex-free condoms in no way inferior to the traditional ones – so you'll never have to worry about latex allergies again! Cock out, condom on, cock in – it's that easy’s.
And: Ordering condoms online is now even easier – in our shop. We are not into exclusion and therefore offer condoms for every cock and every arsehole. Order your latex-free condoms from now on, just use them whenever you need them and have them delivered discreetly to your doorstep.